Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Stories
The good, the bad, the ugly

Here I am gathering a collection of Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Stories.

If you are facing foot surgery, this is a great resource to educate yourself about the results you can expect from first hand accounts of people that have gone under the knife before you.

Feel free to ask people that post their stories any questions you might have, using the 'comment' function below their story.

If you have already had surgery on your Plantar Fascia, this is an opportunity to share your story.  

  • Maybe you need to vent.  
  • Maybe you discovered something really helpful that helped your recovery.
  • Maybe you want to warn others to never put themselves at risk of ending up worse off than they were before
  • Maybe your surgery was a breeze and you want people to know that foot surgery works sometimes.

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Stories
Learn From Experience

At this point there are several hundred personal stories of people that have had foot surgery.  

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Stories graphicSurgery is just the beginning!

Plus comments and 'Hey that happened to me too!

A few people had a 'no problem' experience. Most people had a painful, traumatic experience. Either the surgery itself went poorly, and/or the recovery period was long, painful, problematic.

Or even worse....there was no recovery.  Only ongoing pain and problem.  In a perfect world, surgery would fix everything good as new.

But the reality is, there is no quick fix or magic bullet for some problems.

Some people wish they'd never had the surgery as it made things worse.

If you are facing plantar fasciitis surgery;

  1. Quiz Your Doctor
  2. Make sure you know what you're getting into
  3. Have a plan for recovery (chances are your doctor isn't going to give you much of a post-surgery self care plan)

Everybody that's gone under the knife has a story to tell about how it went.  Some went well, some...not so much.

My hope is that by educating yourself with other people's plantar fasciitis surgery stories, you'll be better equipped to deal with it, and better yet, can avoid having the surgery altogether!

Doctors tend to give the impression that foot surgery, and recovery from something like a plantar fasciotomy and/or bone spur removal is no big deal.

However, it's major trauma to the body, so you may want to be prepared for that.

Spend some time reading through the experiences that people have had.  It will be worth it, I promise.

Share Your Experience
With Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

Please share the experience of your foot surgery.

How bad was your pain before surgery? How are your feet now, and how long has it been since surgery?

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery can be scary to face.

Share your story so other people will have a better idea what to expect.

Please include the following information:

1. How long had you been having foot problems?

2. How severe was the pain and problem?

3. What was the experience of the actual surgery?

4. What was the recovery like?

5. How long has it been since the surgery, and how are you now?

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Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Stories Other Visitors Have Shared

Click below to see contributions from other visitors about their Plantar Fasciitis Surgery...

Two Plantar Fasciotomies: Best Decisions Ever, the Caveats 
First off, I've suffered from plantar fasciitis ever since I was 23. I am writing this at 35yo, having just completed my second fasciotomy last week. …

Tips For Upcoming Plantar Fasciitis Surgery and Foot Surgery In General 
I've had heel/foot pain for over 20 years. I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis at that time by my Primary Care Dr and was sent to see a Podiatrist. …

Years of foot pain and PT, considering plantar fasciitis surgery 
I first had pain in my left arch and metatarsal area in fall 2006, when I was 46yo. My son had entered daycare f/t in the summer so I was spending a lot …

I had endoscopic bi lateral plantar fasciitis surgery, Nightmare! 
I had problems with Plantar fasciitis for about 6 months. I went to the podiatrist. I had steroid shots to both feet, so very painful. That helped for …

Failed Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy, reattached itself; scheduled for Open PF 
I had Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy, as well as having the HyProCure Titanium Implant in sinus tarsi ?? in Left foot, after having had years of troubles …

Going on 8 years of Plantar Fasciitis pain, with PF surgery, now diabetes 
I had heel spur surgery on both feet in 2004. A rare benign tumor was called PVNS was found and removed in my right foot, but I don't think it is related …

Having both feet operated on at once next week 
I am 36 years old and weight 350 lbs. About a year and a half ago, I went on a diet and began working out at the gym. I have always been completely healthy …

Heel Surgery Lost and confused about my healing process 
I started having problems with both heels about a year ago. In January 2012 I went to the dr he did a cortisone shot in both my heels. I was fine for the …

Medical technologist had plantar fascia release and heel spur removed 
I had plantar fascia release and a heel spur removed from my left foot about 4 weeks ago. I had surgery on an AVM in my Gastrocnemeus sulcus complex 6 …

I was ready for a chainsaw, severe chronic foot pain and heel spurs 
Wow, I don't even know where to begin. Several years ago I was told I had a bone spur in both heels. Went thru PT. It worked I guess for a couple years …

Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis on both feet at once for extreme high arches 
I have "mega" arches...Like seriously! I always have and everyone freaks out when they see my feet... Well, I have had plantar fasciitis in both feet for …

I had Topaz Surgury & the nerve cut in my heel  
In November 2011 I had Topaz surgery & the nerve cut in my heel. I had plantar fasccitis and heel spurs. The surgery and healing wasn't bad at all. …

Runner Had Heel spur resection and plantar fasciotomy 3 weeks ago 
I am 23 years old and I am a runner. I am 5'1 and 105lb without significant weight changes or changes in physical activity. I began having intense bilateral …

Endoscopic Plantar Fasciitis Release Surgery - Still Have Heel Pain After 8 Weeks - Still Hope 
After years of heel pain, I finally decided to see a doctor. All the usual Non - Surgical methods performed without success. (Night Splints, Stretching, …

I didn't think there was anyone out there like me that was in so much pain. I want to cry after that STUPID surgery back in June. I am in my 20's and I …

Had Endoscopic Plantar Fascia Release and finally got some relief 
I had a knee replaced in 2008 and got bilateral plantar fasciitis. It was relieved by orthotics, stretches and cortisone shots. I had a knee replaced …

Will My Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs and Neuroma Ever be Better After Surgery? 
I have had heel spurs on both feet for more than 15 years, and plantar fascitis problems for the the last 10 years. I tried PT, different shoes, …

10 years of Plantar Fasciitis hell 
Started back at the gym 10 years ago.. woke up to what i thought was an injury, only it went on for months and months, finally spoke to my doctor and referred …

Lump on Incision 6 Months after Plantar Fasciotomy 
I have had plantar fasciitis for over 1 year and tried every conservative method in the book (2 injections; radial shockwave therapy; physical therapy; …

PF Release on 4/13/11.......not doing so well 
I had PF release surgery on 4/13 after struggling for years in pain. Tried all of the typical treatments to no avail. Plantar Fasciitis Surgery went …

Pain after Topaz procedure, then 6 weeks later release of the plantar fascia 
My foot pain started over a year ago. I saw my podiatrist and started anti-inflamatories, and went through 4 rounds of injections. Finally, I couldn't …

Plantar fasciotomy at age 34, still have pain 5 weeks after 
Hi there. I've experienced mostly all the symptoms everyone else here has. About 2 years ago I started getting the typical pain in the left heel so commonly …

Pain and more pain after Plantar Fasciitis Surgery resulting in Foot Hernia 
i had the surgery on 9-9-10, have more pain than i did before, plus a hernia at the incision site. doctor tells me it can take a year to heal, we will …

3 months after Plantar Fasciitis surgery, foot pain more severe now 
I had right foot pain about a year ago and I got Plantar Fasciitis surgery on Dec. 21st 2010. The surgery part went breeze through but recovery part was …

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Having Plantar Fasciitis surgery next week! 
I am 47 yrs old and have had pain in my feet for years. Back in 07 I was diagnosed with Plantars Fasciitis. My Dr had custom orthotics made which I have …

Plantar Fasciitis is back after Topaz surgery, with more pain and lump 
I had been having foot problems for nearly 2 years. I had anti-inflammatories then opted to have cortisone injections. After the first injection, …

Still in pain after Topaz surgery in my left foot 
Hello, had surgery back in October on my left foot. Came home and all was pretty well. Not great but ok. As time has gone on, nothing seems to be getting …

Runner Reports Post Endoscpoic Surgery For Plantar Fasciitis Results 
I have had plantar fasciitis for over 2 years now. I ignored it for a while and continued to run through it. I ran a half marathon and a full marathon …

Andy's Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy seems to be working 
10 years of intermittent plantar fasciitis. Last three episodes in right foot only, becoming increasingly persistent. Used yoga, deer tendon …

Something popped after Topaz Plantar Fasciitis surgery on right foot 
I had Topaz surgery on my right foot for my Plantar Fasciitis pain almost 3 weeks ago. Everything has been going great on the healing. My doctor was …

Ruptured Plantar Fasciitis after years of doing what the doctor said 
It's been 5 years since the heel pain first began. The Podiatrist/Surgeon I saw for 4 years didn't recommend surgery, advising only 50% success rate. …

Still Going For Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Even Though The First One Didn't Work 
I had plantar fascitis pain in my left foot for over a year. I had the surgery in June 2010. I got no better, and they told me it was because of a mass …

Plantar Facia release and heel spur removal - One month ago 
This is just sort of an FYI, because I know a lot of people have plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. I'm writing this because these are things that doctors …

Suffering for over 10 Years with Plantar Fasciitis 
I have not had surgery for my Plantar Fasciitis but I know all too well about the pain endured on a daily basis. I can hardly walk I stumble all the …

Plantar Fascia Release and Tarsel Tunnel Release on left foot 
1. How long had you been having foot and Plantar Fasciitis problems? I have been working in the retail field since the late 90's. I have been having …

Heel pain is worse after having plantar fascitis surgery!? 
I had suffered for 17 years with (off and on) plantar fascitis until it became unbearable and i found a doctor that said, i needed to have surgery on both …

Plantar Fasiitis Surgery I should not have had 
I had the operation to have a lump removed from the plantar fascia. It's been 5 1/2 weeks now and I'm still in pain and not walking properly. It appears …

2 1/2 weeks after plantar fasciitis surgery and still hurts to walk any distance. 
I have had planter fasciitis for about two years. The doc started with mild treatments and eventually progressed to surgery. The doc recommended it partially …

Still in pain after Plantar Fasciitis Surgery............ 
I had been experiencing foot problems for years and was diagnosed with plantar fascitis. I had surgery in September 2009 which gave no relief at all, …

Last ditch effort - TOPAZ (FOR PLANTAR FASCIITIS) 
Ok, I started getting PF when I was 22. I wore crappy Payless heels everywhere, waited tables, taught aerobics and ran track. Started getting really …

Having surgery on both my feet--best gift I ever gave myself! 
I started having pain in both my feet around age 35. By 38-39 years old I could barely do anything. My left foot was extremely painful. After seeing …

Recent Plantar Fasciitis Surgery June 2010, Hickory North Carolina 
I am 36 years old and have or should say had Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot for years. The pain was so severe I could not perform my job at work, until …

Severe Plantar Fasciitis and Foot Surgery at Age 21  
I used to be a happy, outgoing and athletic person. I walked 5km's most days for fitness, loved boxing, playing with the kids and was just always on the …

3 1/2 Months Since Plantar Fasciitis Surgery, still a mess 
I have had plantar fasciitis for nine years and have been through everything prior to having surgery September 14, 2009. I tried orthotics, therapy, …

11/11/08 Topaz Procedure On My Plantar Fasciitis. Is it normal to still have sharp, burning pain 6 weeks later? 
In March of 2008 I got out of bed and had a "charlie horse" on the bottom of my foot. I let it go for about a month. A friend who works for a Dr told …

Had Plantar Fasciitis Surgery in June of "09" now I hate my foot even more than before 
I had such severe pain from my plantar fasciitis that I had given up on all things I enjoyed. This caused me to gain weight and every step I took at …

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery, a year later little recovery and now arthritis 
Hello, I had my Plantar Fasciitis surgery in July 08. The surgery and recovery went the same as Elizabeth's for the first few months. Very …

Still Having Problems From Plantar Fasciitis Surgery 1.5 Months Ago 
I had my planter fasciotomy surgery a 1 1/2 months ago and my feet hurt more now than before. The Dr. said that he cut 2/3 across. Now the right …

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery date 09/30/2009 story 
This all started back in 2002 and I have gone thru 4 drs and 3 sets of inserts. 3 cortisone shots and stretching exercises and in constant pain so …

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Contemplating Surgery For Plantar Fasciitis And Other Foot Issues 
I have been through it all for 18 months with no relief from Plantar Fasciitis or so we thought until the doctors finally did a bone scan and MRI. The …

Plantar Fasciitis surgery, pain returned, second surgery and now have numb toes 
I had my plantar fasciitis surgery and about a year later it was back. Had 2nd surgery and now have a huge scar on the bottom of my foot that hurts and …

Elizabeth's Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Story 
I started having foot pain at least 4 years ago. I'm 42 years old and slightly overweight (some months more or less). I always wore running shoes..not …

Plantar Surgery, now pain in heel, doctor says I'm exaggerating 
I have been seeing a podiatrist over the last 2 1/2 years for the extreme pain I have had in my feet. I have a job that requires me to be on my …

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery In Both Feet, best decision I made so far! 
I am a 46 year old female. I suffered with Plantar Fasciitis for 15 years. It started with the aching feet only on days when I was really on the go. …

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery 3 Years Ago, Was Pain Free, Now It's Returning 
I’m 62 and have had Plantar Fasciitis pain in my left foot off and on for about ten years. It started out pretty mild and I ignored it a lot, it came …

I still have foot pain 2 years after my Plantar Fasciotomy 
Hello Everyone. I still have foot pain two years after my Plantar Fasciitis surgery. I don't have any complaints about the surgery itself. I didn't …

I got Plantar Fasciits surgery yesterday 
I got Plantar Fasciitis surgery yesterday. The surgery itself wasn't a big deal. It didn't take very long, I got a prescription for a good strong …

Plantar Fasciitis Release Surgery was best thing I ever did after years of suffering 
I started having pain in my left foot 15 years ago. My family physician diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis and sent me to a podiatrist. He gave me several …

Post surgery Plantar Fasciitis & Achilles tendonitis Not rated yet
Hi, Three spurs on both left and right foot, was told possibily related to bunion surgeries that occured between year 2000-2002. Podiatrist said the …

Plantar fasciitis release with Calf release 12/28/2017 Not rated yet
I have suffered moderate pain for 2.5 years. Just irritating where I put on 45lbs not being able to get moving because it hurt. I just kind of walked …

3 surgeries for plantar fasciitis and more to go Not rated yet
It started with average pain once I became a cashier, then to the point I couldn't walk. Sure enough plantar fasciitis, they tried cortisone shots …

Poor results with second foot surgery on other foot Not rated yet
I had surgery on my right foot 5 years ago. The Doctor did a fine job. I had a great recovery, then about 18 months ago I started having problems with …

Plantar Fasciotomy 3 months ago. Tendinitis is KILLING me! I want to exercise!! Not rated yet
I'd had plantar fasciitis off and on for at least 15 years. I'm 46 years old and overweight, which is the major contributing factor, I'm sure. …

Former Athlete With Plantar Fibromatosis Unable To Perform Minimal Daily Duties Not rated yet
I struggled with foot pain for 8 months prior to surgery, the initial diagnosis being plantar fasciitis. We tried everything to lessen the pain, steroid …

First five days post-plantar fasciitis surgery review and experience Not rated yet
I had Plantar Fasciitis Surgery performed on 6/6/16 on my left ankle. I've had chronic PF pain for a good 3 years. I work in the hospital so I'm on my …

Plantar fasciitis surgery at 11 and 17 years old. Not rated yet
I have plantar fasciitis and apparently it was so bad that i had to have my whole foot reconstructed! I had really bad pain and the surgeon and my …

The Toe Tumor Operation's Been Done & Now I Have Numb & Getting Phantom Pains Not rated yet
Hi my name is Slade Yuille from Point Cook in Victoria Australia, I am 6 foot 4 inches tall, weigh around 118kg and do a lot of walking with the company …

Smart Tips For Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Not rated yet
Hi all. It has been only about 3 weeks since my surgery. I have very high arches which resulted in gradually increasing foot pain. I got orthotics for …

Rachel's Intense Plantar Fasciitis Foot Pain Not rated yet
In May of 2011 I started having feet pain. Both feet, same area (heel). I am overweight but I've always been big. Im 28 years old, 5'7 and weigh 265. …

Surgeries Were a Big Permanent Mistake.  Not rated yet
I had my first Plantar Fasciitis surgery in 2001 on my left foot. The 1 inside tendon was cut. For about 5 years it seemed to work and I was doing on. …

Plantar Surgery NEVER again! Not rated yet
I have been having foot problems since I can remember and in 2003 I finally went in and had a plantar fasciectomy on both feet. Results were great for …

Had plantar fasciitis surgery on my heel on January 13, 2011 Not rated yet
I never believed that I'd be only 25 almost 26 (January 27th) that I would have such problems with my heel like I have. When I was pregnant with my daughter …

Going in for my 2nd Plantar Fasciitis release on Tuesday, but still having problems with 1st foot  Not rated yet
I 36years old & am/was a labor & delivery nurse for 10 + years. 2 years ago I tore my R rotator cuff in an unrelated accident. So I had my surgery, did …

Aching Feet After Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Not rated yet
I retired in July of 2010 and started walking. Shortly after starting, I developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot and also slightly in my right foot. …

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Plantar Fasciitis Surgery On My Right Foot On December 6th Not rated yet
I had surgery on my right foot on December 06, 2011. The surgery went well. I was sent home and told not to put any weight on it for two weeks. I got …

I had a platelet injection. Plantar Fasciitis very rarely bothers me anymore. Not rated yet
I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis many years ago. My pain was so severe after working a full day, that at times, I would have to crawl to my bed. …

Horrible Experience, foot surgery to untrap a nerve and remove heel spur Not rated yet
I had pain in my left heel for about 6-7 months and did everything the foot doctor told me to do, it never got better, so the doctor recommended foot surgery …

Two Years Since Plantar Fasciitis Bone Spur Surgery and Everything is Worse Not rated yet
I remember having spurs on both feet that grew to huge sizes. When I finally went to a podiatrist, I was informed of the situation and the choices I had. …

Two Years Since Plantar Fasciitis Surgery On My Left Foot, Still Can't Walk Not rated yet
It's been a little over 2 years since my surgery,and I still cant walk without a pair of shoes at the side of my bed. It is very depressing! I take …

Hallux Rigidus Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis Not rated yet
Dear Joshua and Plantar Fasciitis sufferers, Firstly, I want to express my sympathy to those who have chronic plantar fasciitis - I am 33, an ex-rugby …

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery for torn tendon went good now 3 years later pain is back Not rated yet
I had Plantar Fasciitis surgery 3 years ago at age 35. I was a college athlete so very active my whole life. I was playing in adult basketball league …

Three foot surgeries and now the doctor wants me to do a fourth Not rated yet
I am now 39 and approx 5 years ago I developed severe pain in both feet. I have always worked on my feet-and was at the time a supervisor at a retail store. …

Teacher worried about plantar fasciitis surgery in two weeks Not rated yet
I am a 47 year old woman who is overweight and has been struggling with PF a great deal for 9 months although I had a few smaller manageable bouts in the …

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery has made my arch drop and created more pain Not rated yet
I had Planter surgery done about 8 years ago. Since then my arch has fallen. I can not walk without arch support at all, my whole leg starts to hurt and …

Endoscopic plantar fasciotomy 2 months ago, still pain in heel Not rated yet
I had endoscopic plantar fasciotomy two months ago, i still experience pain in the heel area, do you think that is too soon to say that the surgery didn't …

Continued Pain after Topaz surgery plus new pain in the arch Not rated yet
I have suffered from Plantar Fasciitis for years. I have it both feet. I have always had jobs that required me to work on my feet and always wore cheap …

15 Years and still struggling with Plantar Fasciitis heel pain Not rated yet
I was first diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis about 15 years ago (in both of my darned heels/feet!) and despite trying and failing miserably to get help …

Two Weeks After Planter Fasciitis Surgery Both Feet Not rated yet
After struggling with Planter Fasciitis for a couple of years and enduring the "normal" treatments i.e. shots, physical therapy, rest, my problem worsened. …

Lots of pain after Plantar Fasciitis surgery Not rated yet
I have been dealing with my plantar fasciitis pain for more than 3 years. I work on my feet for 8 to 10 hours a day, have been doing that for 11 years. …

Plantar Faciitis Surgery on 3/19/2010, still have pain Not rated yet
After putting up with severe Plantar Fasciitis for over 10 years on my right foot, and having tried every conservative method possible to cure it, I decided …

Four Days Since Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Not rated yet
About four years ago my foot became very tender and stiff in the right arch and heel. It burned and ached at the end of the day, and would have sharp pains …

Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy/Excursion of Calcification - 1/11/10 - Muskegon, MI Update #1 Not rated yet
On November 11th at 2pm at the age of 29 years old I had a fasciatomy and excursion of a calcification in my Right foot/heel. I am going to go through …

What are the best post-surgery exercises for optimal recovery? Not rated yet
I recently had Topaz surgery 9-14-10 on my right foot for PF. I seem to be recovering well and have resumed regular activity levels with housework, …

Have not went under the knife for Plantar Fasciitis yet Not rated yet
I am a thirty- six year old woman. I presently go to school and work part time. My surgery is set for October 8, 2010. I hope I am not making the wrong …

Plantar Fascia Release and Tarsel Tunnel Release on left foot Not rated yet
1. How long had you been having foot and Plantar Fasciitis problems? I have been working in the retail field since the late 90's. I have been having …

Pain in foot Fracture and foot pain still 3 months after Plantar Fasciitis surgery Not rated yet
I'm 69 years old was very active , old school, my kids couldn't keep up with me , now , after having plantar fasciits surgery i'm in pain more than before …

Under the Knife For Release Surgery, Still Hurts 4 Months Later Not rated yet
Had release surgery March 2010....heel still hurts. still sleeping with night splint, doctor still has me on anti-inflammatories... I'm getting very …

My Plantar Fasciitis Turned Out Differently After Herniated a Disc. Not rated yet
I had a bad case of plantar fascitis. At first I could not walk due to heel pain. Then I herniated a disk in my back. The doctor gave me Celebrex for …


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Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis done late last October (09) and surgery again in 3 days Not rated yet
I had surgery for Plantar Fascitis Late last October because of chronic heel pain. I did all of my stretches and iced my foot several times a …

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery October 2008, The Pain Is Back Not rated yet
I started going to my regular MD doctor in 2006 for plantar fasciitis. He gave me an cortisone injection. When that didn't work, about 3 months …

Succesful Plantar Fasciitis Surgery in Austrailia Not rated yet
I had initially hurt both feet whilst serving in the RAN. I could hardly walk in the mornings and to get any where i had to walk on the sides of my feet. …

Torn Plantar Fascia injury after Plantar Fasciitis surgery. Not rated yet
Hey, Joshua The Tendonitis Expert here. I'm pointing you to a question in the 'Ask The Tendonitis Expert' forum from a woman that tripped and further …

Plantar Fasciotomy Last Week Not rated yet
I got a plantar fasciotomy on my left foot last week. I have very little pain from the surgery. My doctor said he had to do a complete separation, …

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Plantar Fasciitis Treatment That Works DVD cover
Reversing Shin Splints ebook cover

Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook cover