Heel pain is worse after having plantar fascitis surgery!?
by Charmaine
(Milwaukee Wi)
I had suffered for 17 years with (off and on) plantar fascitis until it became unbearable and i found a doctor that said, i needed to have surgery on both feet (have plantar fasciitis on both) . The doctor also told me my heel spurs were the largest he has come across in 22 years!
Why tell me that it's not going to make me feel any better.
We decided to do the left foot first, i had the surgery on may 28Th 2010,yes i know it hasn't been all that long.
The only positive thing that has come out of the surgery is, i don't have any charlie horses in my L. foot anymore.
Other than that the pain in my left heel is worse then before the surgery, i never thought that could be possible.
The doctor that did the surgery has completley changed, he also feels the pain in my heel is in my head! I have always taken pride in being a hard working, strong woman,but since this surgery i have no life.
The kind, sincere doctor i knew before the surgery is now a rude and hurtful man.
The doctor is not the man i thought i knew before the surgery, he is blaming me for the pain and tries to make me feel like i did something wrong. I have been very patient allowing my foot to heal and was taken off the walker just a few weeks ago.
The so called doctor even made a joke only 10 days after the surgery, he said..well when do you want the right foot done and he laughed . I told him never and i didn't feel his little jokes were appropriate.
I had asked the doctor, shouldn't i have had the spur removed also and he raised his voice and said, you want your spur removed then go to an orthopedic doctor they will take anything out!
What should i do i can't take this pain and i don't want to be a downer to anyone thinking about having the surgery . This was just my experience. Do you have any suggestions?
My husband and family are very concerned because, my achilles keeps swelling up and my foot swells with pain,my p.t told me she felt i had tendonitis in achilles and around ankle.
DR. told me to give my foot more time? And didn't give me anything for the tendonitis, i see him in two days for the achilles and tendonitis again that are raging and i know he won't do anything.
Please advise me if you can, Is there something i can do to help the heel pain...i pray there is.
My primary care doctor is very compassionate and has helped me with the depression part he is disgusted with my podiatrist and
the lack of concern for my pain and the achilles problem, i constantly ice my foot and as soon as i walk on it the pain begins and the swelling starts all over again.
thanks for listening
Charmaine Adrian
Joshua Answers:Hello Charmaine.
Your experience with your surgeon (and your nice regular doctor) is exactly why I often say, that, as a whole, doctors have no idea what to do with
Tendonitis kind of issues.
It's a shame that your doctor blames you for his failure. Not surprising, not rare, but definitely a shame. -Clearly- it must be your fault if his surgery didn't fix you.
Unfortunately, there's just not much you can do other than find a new doctor and write the original one a letter expressing your feelings around how utterly unprofessional it is to blame patient for his failure, and how utterly unprofessional it is to accuse a patient of making up pain.
Also, wasn't it unethical of him to perform a surgery on you if the pain was all in your head! Why did he cut into your body if you have psycho-somatic pain? He could/should lose his license for that, unnecessary surgery. Or at the very least lose business for misdiagnosing you in the first place.
What you said about him would make for a great Yelp review!
Anyhoo....I suggest that you get my
Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook.
It will talk about Magnesium, other nutrition that can help lower your pain levels, and will give you a plan for what to do with your
Achilles Tendonitis issues.
You need to deal with that lower leg, and that can make a HUGE difference in
Plantar Fasciitis issues.
The bone spurs may or may not be causing pain, but all the tight structures of your lower leg and feet IS. Along with possible nutrient deficiencies that contribute to/cause pain.
I could give a few tips (you can find them around this website), but I'd rather you have a complete plan to follow to give you the best chance of lowering your pain levels and to heal from the surgery.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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