Plantar Fasciitis Surgery, a year later little recovery and now arthritis
by K
Hello, I had my Plantar Fasciitis surgery in July 08.
The surgery and recovery went the same as Elizabeth's for the first few months.
Very slow total recovery for walking normal again. The worst part of that was I still have a lot of pain on the top of my foot.
Went back to the doctors, had an MRI, and now I'm told that the entire top of my foot is filled with arthritis, and I am still in pain as of today.
I'm sorry to give you not so great news.
Swelling and inflammation after more than a year.
I didn't realize I can still be bothered by this?
I was told the metatarsal joints are filled with arthritis now. Or so the MRI said.
Also not only the top of my foot but the joint between the top of my foot and my leg also hurts all the time.
Can you explain any of this to me. Thank you.
Joshua Comments:
K, I'm sorry you're experiencing not so great news.
So you all of a sudden have arthritis in the top of your foot? That makes me wrinkle my brow. Pain and inflammation, sure, but 'arthritis', like a death sentence?
I wonder what else is going on.
Still, it makes a certain amount of sense. Depending on what exactly they did during the surgery, they changed the structure of your foot.
Your foot structure is designed to hold you up and move you around. When we go mucking with that structure, all the force and tension and leverage and pressure and motion, etc, all shift.
And that's easily not a good thing. It's possible that due to the strucutural changes in your foot now all those factors are forced to focus on the joints you describe.
Make joints grind together with too much force, and they will get irritated and develop arthritis.
That's one explanation.
You could be gluten intolerant, that causes auto-immune disease/chronic pain conditions.
Possibly the joints are really inflammed, but it's not arthritis in the sense of permanent messed up.
Let's investigate:
1. Are you prone to arthritis?
2. How old are you?
3. Overall health?
4. Weight/height?
5. How's your digestion?
6. How's your energy levels?
7. How much protein would you say that you eat?

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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