Still in pain after Topaz surgery in my left foot
by Melissa
(Dothan, AL)
Hello, had surgery back in October on my left foot. Came home and all was pretty well. Not great but ok. As time has gone on, nothing seems to be getting any better.
Went back to doctor because I got to the point even with my orthdotics in that I couldn't put any pressure on my foot. He did an ultra sound and then did another injection of cortizone.
Hey, that was great for hmmmm about 3 weeks now, and each day I could tell it was getting back to the normal pain.
Now today and over the long weekend I have noticed that I can barely walk again. This sucks!
I am scheduled to have the right foot done in December but heck I can't walk on the left one.
So is my only choice now, to do a plantars release? Any suggestions or opinions? I have to be able to walk but seriously can't some days and I am only 38. Gee!
Joshua Answers:Hello Melissa.
Sorry to hear about all the pain....
So, assuming you haven't had the right foot operated on question is, if the operation on the left didn't work, why would surgery on the right work?
Does your surgeon offer you any guarantee that this one will go better? Money back guarantee?
Does s/he even have a theory why the left hasn't gone so well?
Have your doctors told you what the cause of the problem is, in the first place? Foot pain is not a -cause-. Tight tendon and or plantar fascia is not a -cause-.
It's a symptom.
Thus I highly suggest my
'The Plantar Fasciitis Treatment That Works' DVD and the Quick
Start Companioin ebook that comes with it.
You have a lot going on in there. Specifically right now in the left foot you have a HUGE
Process of Inflammation. Your foot is FULL of pain enhancing chemical.
And your right foot too.
Tendonitis, and specifically
Plantar Fasciitis in your case, can obviously become debilitating.
It follows a predictable pattern of progress.
And you have to reverse that progress.
It's not rocket science, but it does take some time, effort, and diligence.
And unless the foot is -damaged-, or damaged too much by surgery, it's never too late to reverse the dynamic.
And generally, and this is why plantar fasciitis surgery sometimes helps but mostly doesn't, is that most Plantar Fasciitis symptoms, while you feel them in the foot, aren't actually caused by a problem in the foot.
Or said more accurately, the -CAUSE- of foot pain and problem is rarely actually in the foot.
First things first. Learn
How To Reduce Inflammation.
More questions, more answers.
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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