I had Topaz Surgury & the nerve cut in my heel
by Jennifer G.
(Columbus,Ohio .U.S)
In November 2011 I had Topaz surgery & the nerve cut in my heel. I had plantar fasccitis and heel spurs. The surgery and healing wasn't bad at all.
It took 8-10 weeks of healing. In February I started to have pain on the bottom part of my foot in the arch. I wear orthotics so I thought it was post-op irritation. I discovered there is a tendon or something bulging out of my foot on the bottom.
Now its March 2012 and I am having a severe constant burning feeling on the top of my foot and its very painful . I am in more pain now then before the surgery . So now I can hardly even put any weight on my foot and am walking with a limp.
Sooooo painful . I have a night splint ,and custom made orthotics and nothing relieves this excruciating pain !!!!!!! I am now debating on having my left foot done !
Joshua Answers:Hi Jennifer.
1. What exactly is your internal debate whether to do the other foot?
2. Why did you have the nerve cut?
3. What exactly is bulging out of your foot?
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery is a mixed bag,
with a variety of dangers.
For instance, what was the surgeon thinking when he cut that nerve? What was causing the pain and problem in the first place?
Tendonitis is made up of a variety of factors. Pain is just a symptom. Hopefully the surgery fixed the cause....but the cause of plantar fasciitis pain isn't usually where you actually feel the pain....and
Bone Spurs develop for a reason.
What Is TendonitisI'm curious what you're doing for self care, as well as to the questions above.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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