Smart Tips For Plantar Fasciitis Surgery
by Dory
Hi all. It has been only about 3 weeks since my surgery. I have very high arches which resulted in gradually increasing foot pain. I got orthotics for metatarsalgia (front of foot pain) from a podiatrist who never noticed that I had an abnormal foot structure. They did not help so I stopped using them.
Gradually my feet got more painful, and I got pulling and cramping on the top of my left foot when I walked. That foot also became very swollen.
Finally I saw a foot surgeon who x-rayed my foot and said I might need a fascia release but tried to prevent this with months of new (and better) orthotics. Too little too late.
Three weeks ago I had 3 procedures done-- an open (traditional) fascia release, a gastroc slide (a small incision to lengthen the gastrocnemius muscle on the back of my calf) and a tendon release on the top of my foot.
For 12 days I had a huge dressing with a plaster brace inside to keep my foot in the proper position-- 90 degrees to my leg. For 3 days I was supposed to lie down except to use the bathroom. I had narcotics but minimal pain. For the rest of the two weeks I could move around but on crutches with no weight bearing. The only really bad thing was the crutches, which really limited my mobility.
I had very little pain-- mostly controlled with Aleve. I am not well coordinated and only started using the crutches effectively in the last couple of days. If I do the other foot I will rent a knee scooter.
In the last week I have been able to walk with no crutches and an air cast. This is hot ( it is July) tight feeling and clumsy-- 2 inches longer than my foot-- but is a godsend. I can't take long walks but can do everything else. My stiches are out. I am allowed to take the cast off when not walking-- bliss! The incisions are red but are closed. I got a special cast sock that irritated them but they feel better with a smooth cotton knee sock.
Now that I am walking I am experiencing more pain than before. I think the muscles and tendons are stretching into their proper positions and are not always happy.The pain is a stretching and sometimes cramping sensation-/ especially at night and if I overdo it, like yesterday when I vacuumed, practiced guitar ( weight on my operated on foot) cooked and grocery shopped. Ouch!
The pain moves from part to part of the foot. sometimes it is on the side of the heel, sometimes in the incision area, sometimes behind the toes.
Today I was more careful. No housework. I have less pain. Much of the time there is already less pain in the foot that had surgery than the one without, which used to be my better foot. I have 2 more weeks in the boot.
I can't tell you yet what things will be like in a few weeks, but I wanted to post right away, because I found so little useful information about recovery available before my own surgery, so far my own experience has been largely positive except the boredom, isolation and helplessness of the first two weeks.
I wish I had practiced more on crutches BEFORE surgery. I also wish I had stocked up on microwavable meals that can be transported inside a bag swinging from a hand holding a cruth without spilling ( hot pockets and pre-made sandwiches frozen in plastic wrap or bags) to be more self- sufficient feeding myself when my husband was at work, and I often skipped meals or lived on plain bread or crackers rather than deal,with the logistics of meal prep on crutches.
Fruit that doesn't go bad fast, like apples is also a good idea which I didn't think of.
Good luck to all considering the procedure. My experience has not been too bad and I had 3 procedures-- not just one.
Joshua Answers:Hi Dory.
Thanks for the tips and the story. Lack of knowledge is one of the big issues going into plantar fasciitis surgery, or considering going into foot surgery.
Knowing about all different kinds of
Tendonitis is one thing.
And everybody with pain should be able to answer the question:
What Is Tendonitis?But when going into surgery, hospitals and surgeons seem to do a VERY poor job of preparing their patients.
'Practice on your crutches first' is a small but actually large component of post-surgery life.
Food prep and awareness of just how 'down' you're going to be is also good to know in prep for post foot surgery recovery.
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery is a significant insult and injury to the body. But doctors tend to brush it off as just a matter of 'recovery time and you'll be fine'.
Let's hope so! But everybody would benefit from a little pre-education.
So that's for all that Dory.
Important Related Thread:
Plantar Fascia Release and Heel Spur Removal One Month AgoMain Tips page for upcoming PF surgery here:
Tips For Upcoming Plantar Fasciitis Surgery And Foot Surgery In GeneralSee Related:
Years Of Foot Pain And PT, Considering Plantar Fasciitis Surgery----------------------
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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