Had Endoscopic Plantar Fascia Release and finally got some relief
by Caroline
(Danbury, CT)
I had a knee replaced in 2008 and got bilateral plantar fasciitis.
It was relieved by orthotics, stretches and cortisone shots.
I had a knee replaced in 2010 and got bilateral plantar fasciitis. AGain it was relieved by orthotics, stretches and cortisone shots. I had the first knee that was replaced revised to a new implant March 2011 and got bilateral plantar fasciitis. The altered gait caused by my knee surgeries in turn caused my plantar fasciitis.
I am not overweight and am in my mid-50s. Under the care of a foot and ankle orthopedist (in the same practice as my knee replacement orthopedist), I followed the same treatment protocol (orthotics, stretches and cortisone shots) but it didn't work this time.
I tried a night splint which I couldn't tolerate, especially while recovering from knee replacement surgery. So I had 2 rounds of PT, which included iontopheresis, massages, ultrasound, stretching, exercises, but none of that brought any relief.
My orthopedist considered me to have atypical plantar fasciitis because most of my pain-the worst pain-was at night-in bed trying to sleep. Pain would be at a 8-9 level (out of 10).
Taking 2 Tylenol3 pain pills (from my orthopedist) would bring the pain down to about a 7-8-and took a good 90 minutes to get there. I tried lidocaine patches but I couldn't use them long as I'm allergic to tape/adhesive on bandages and patches.
Out of desperation, my PT guy suggested acupuncture which my insurance would pay for 10 sessions. After the 6th session, the acupunturist (an MD at a pain management practice) told me it wasn't working and I shouldn't come back.
So I went back to my orthopedist (by now it
was mid-September) and agreed to have the surgery on the worse foot, which I did, on Oct. 17. I felt immediately better (pain at about a 3, maybe a 6 immediately after surgery when the ankle nerve block wore off) and have continued to feel better 6 weeks after.
No more TYlenol3 required at bedtime. The plan had been to do the other foot when I was ready but now that it's not compensating for the worse foot, it isn't necessary. Since I don't think I'll be having another knee replacement, I am truly hoping that my PF days are behind me!
Joshua Answers: Hi Caroline.
I hope the days of your
Plantar Fasciitis are behind you also.
Yep. Knee replacements can/do absolutely change your gait and cause the development of compensation patterns.
That's good news the
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery has made things better so far. Let's hope that sticks.
Here's a couple things that will help:
Magnesium for TendonitisLearn
How To Reduce Inflammation----------------------
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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