Had Plantar Fasciitis Surgery in June of "09" now I hate my foot even more than before
I had such severe pain from my plantar fasciitis that I had given up on all things I enjoyed.
This caused me to gain weight and every step I took at work was an effort.
After a year of doctor visits, cortizone shots and medications things weren't getting better, so I opted for surgery.
Bad idea, now the top of my foot hurts more than the bottom ever did.
The way I have to walk now also causes pain in my knee and hip. I am only 46 six years old and I feel like I am 80.
I am never pain free even when I am sitting still.
I have spent way too much money trying to find the right shoe, but I have just given up on that one, there isn't a right shoe.
Still seeing my doctor, he is still trying to help but nothing post surgery seems to be helping.
What can I do, any advice I am willing to try, I just want my life back.
Thank you for letting me vent.
Joshua Answers:
Hi there.
You're certainly welcome. Vent away.
You didn't leave your name or email or click on the notifications options, so I hope you find this response.
I'm not going to give any suggestions until I see that you found this.
I will say ICE DIP to reduce inflammation and pain!
If you have pain from Tendonitis and/or Plantar Fasciitis, even after surgery, the first thing to do is decrease inflammation to decrease pain.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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