Still Going For Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Even Though The First One Didn't Work
by Brianne
(Flint, MI)
I had plantar fascitis pain in my left foot for over a year. I had the surgery in June 2010. I got no better, and they told me it was because of a mass of scar tissue that formed and may have reconnected the plantar fascia. Along the way my right foot started acting up and now I am severe pain there. I have been going to physical therapy for 2 months with no relief.
So, I am now scheduled to have double foot surgery in November to redo the left and release the right. I was told I will be in immediate therapy to ensure my scar tissue does not build again.
So far..the first surgery has brought me no relief. I am hoping the right goes much better!
I am very depressed as I have gained a lot of weight from the lack of activity that this ailment causes.
Joshua Answers:Hi Brianne.
Thanks for sharing your foot surgery experience, before and after.
The first one didn't work out, let's hope that the next two do.
Good luck with that!
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert