Endoscopic Plantar Fasciitis Release Surgery - Still Have Heel Pain After 8 Weeks - Still Hope
by Tom
(Pearland, Texas USA)
After years of heel pain, I finally decided to see a doctor. All the usual Non - Surgical methods performed without success. (Night Splints, Stretching, Shots, custom orthotics , etc)
On 12/8/11, I had Endoscopic Plantar Fasciitis Release surgery on both heels. Surgery was simple. Thirty minutes tops. I was in walking boots for three weeks then started PT. PT lasted a month and involved stretching, massaging, electronic stimulation(TENS unit).
Once PT ended, I still continued with stretching/TENS unit daily along with wearing my orthotics.
I am now a little over 8 wks post surgery and heel pain is still evident and I also have a "stiffness" in the top of both feet only after a resting period. The right foot more than the left. However, once I start to walk the stiffness goes away. ie, when i first get up..stiffness. After resting...stiffness.
Then, once I get up and start walking again, the stiffness will go away. My two questions are:
1. Will my heel pain subside? I am a little over 8 wks post op and I have read where recovery can take up to a year.
2. Will the stiffness go away completely. Could the stiffness be caused by the alteration of my fascia. (i.e not as tight.)
I am 43 years old and experienced heel pain for `10 years prior to seeing a doctor. Yes, I am stubborn.
P.S. Very happy with small incisions on inside of heels. You cannot even tell I was cut. I do, however, still have some minor soreness around incisions and they are a bit hard.
Joshua Answers:Hi Tom.
Ok good; quick easy surgery, minor remnants of the incisions.
But not good, still have heel pain and stiffness on top of the foot.
Will My Heel Pain Subside?I don't know. It just all depends. See my questions below.
Will the stiffness go away completely?I don't know. It just all depends. See my questions below.
Could the stiffness be caused by the alteration of my fascia. (i.e not as tight.)Absolutely yes.
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery consists of the surgeon cutting the connective tissue structures that are designed to support your foot and literally hold it
To whatever degree those have been cut/severed, to whatever degree the stability of your foot has been weakened, your entire structure must learn to adapt as best it can.
Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms exist for a reason. And the surgery didn't fix, cure, reverse, nor eliminate that reason. So you still have all the original causes of your pain, plus now you have an at best different and at worst weakened foot structure.
And of course one of the main factors in every case of
Tendonitis is the Process of Inflammation.
What Is Tendonitis?So at this point I don't know enough about your situation to have much of an opinion as to the how and why of your post-surgery heel pain.
See related
I Still Have Foot Pain 2 years After My Plantar FasciotomyQUESTIONS:1. Is it the same heel pain as before the surgery? Or is it a new/different pain. If it's different, describe pre and post surgery symptoms.
2. Did you have stiffness in your feet before surgeon, such that once you walked around a bit the stiffness went away.
3. Describe the stiffness 'in the top of your feet'.
4. What exactly did the surgeon do in there?
5. Did you have anything other than heel pain before surgery?
6. More relevant details.
P.S. Minor soreness around the incisions is to be expected, and the hardness is scar tissue build up. Rub them, lots and often, to keep that tissue soft and pliable.
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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