I got Plantar Fasciits surgery yesterday

by Ken
(Puyallup, WA)

I got Plantar Fasciitis surgery yesterday.

The surgery itself wasn't a big deal. It didn't take very long, I got a prescription for a good strong painkiller, the doctor said the surgery looked good so I should notice immediate relief of pain.

I've walked around on it some and I don't think I'll need to stay off it very long.

I don't know exactly what the doctor did to the plantar fascia, or what or how much was cut, but I've had foot pain for years so I hope this takes care of it.

I'm going to stop the pain killers and see what happens. How long does it take to heal so you can walk around on it with no problem?

I just found this website while I was on the couch keeping my foot elevated. My doctor never said anything about Tendonitis, just that I should have the surgery. I wish I had found the site sooner, but so far the surgery seems fine.



Joshua Comments:

Thanks for sharing Ken. I'm so glad it's going well. I don't hear that often, and I like it when I do.

How long before you're back up and on your feet? It depends on your particular scenario, how badly the surgery damaged/affected the structural integrity of your foot/feet, how your body adapts to that change in integrity, the self care you're doing, etc.

I just spoke to a woman who is
four months out from surgery and can still barely walk.

Some thoughts:

Doctors don't make a connection between Tendonitis and Plantar Fasciitis.

They think that they are entirely different scenarios (when in fact they are exactly the same dynamic).

They also think that wrist tendonitis, achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow, etc, are all entirely different scenarios.

Same dynamic. Different location.

See: What Is Tendonitis?

They know that there is a Process of Inflammation in play, but don't ask WHY it's there.

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery is the final solution to Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms when the rest, anti-inflammatories, splints and braces, corticosteroid injections, etc, all fail.

They don't ask WHY those failed.

They failed because they didn't effectively address all the factors of the Pain Causing Dynamic.

Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.

And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Jul 02, 2016
planter fasciits
by: Aarif khannonymous

I am waiting for open surgery I've been suffering from pain in heel for past 8years
please can someone share there experience during and after surgery.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Aarif.

Here's a couple threads of people talking about this.

Plantar Fascia Release And Heel Spur Removal One Month Ago

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery In Both Feet Best Decision I Made So Far

Plantar Fasciotomy At Age 34 Still Have Pain 5 Weeks After

< href="https://www.tendonitisexpert.com/smart-tips-for-plantar-fasciitis-surgery.html">Smart Tips For Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

Aug 20, 2012
How to find a doctor who performs Topaz procedure
by: Anonymous

I live in Silverdale and have heard wonderful things about the Topaz procedure, I'd like to find a doctor in the area.

Any thoughts without calling everyone in my network?



Joshua Comments:

I don't have any suggestions, good news/bad news.

Someone on here might, of course.

Nov 15, 2009
Which surgery did you have?
by: Anonymous

I am considering having the surgery. I am on month 18 of the pain and now starting to get it in my other foot too. My Dr. said it is a non weight bearing surgery for at least 2 maybe 3 weeks.

which surgery did you have, the traditional, the endoscopic release, or the Topaz? I was just wondering since you have been up and on it already?

Oct 06, 2009
PART 2 - no weight on foot for 3 weeks -
by: Anonymous

omg! you cannot walk on it at all for 3 weeks. If you do then it wont heal properly you need no weight on it at all I had mine 6 days ago and no weight on it yet and keeping foot at a 90 degree angle your dr should of told you this info.


Joshua Comments:

Unfortunately, many sources say different things, different doctors say different things, and, results-wise, some people do just fine walking afterwards, and some don't.

It makes sense to me that it might be wise to stay off it for a while, although I do recommend that one keep it moving, even if it's just regularly wiggling your toes.

The body works better with movement, as opposed to stillness, though sometimes it's a good thing to have that movement without any load.

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