Going on 8 years of Plantar Fasciitis pain, with PF surgery, now diabetes
by Mark B.
(Bay Area, CA)
I had heel spur surgery on both feet in 2004. A rare benign tumor was called PVNS was found and removed in my right foot, but I don't think it is related to my current pain in both feet.
I wore boot casts for nearly a year and that atrophy most likely lead to my PF. I tried all the normal treatments including night splints, custom insoles, electro-shockwave therapy and cortisone injections.
I believe I had 5-7 injections and that is what most likely lead to this being a chronic case of plantar fasciitis. I had the release surgery in 2008 on my left foot only. It did not work.
I bought Z-Coil shoes in 2010 and they helped a lot but my pain continued to worsen a little bit more every day. The shoes help but not like they did when I first got them. I took various NSAIDS and opiates over the years and now take 210mg morphine/day (3 x 60mg ER, 1 x 30mg ER) and 6 10/325 Norcos.
I plan on asking for a higher dose when I see PM (Pain Management) in a couple of days. I can not stand for more than a few minutes without extreme pain and I now use the electric cart while shopping because I can barely walk.
If I push myself and shop without the cart I will have extreme pain for the 24 hours or more. I'm back on the night splints and have been instructed to wear them for 6 months.
I'm only using the night splints on my left foot as I hope to be able to see if they actually help by comparing the pain relief to my right foot, if there is any. There are two treatments that I can not afford at this time, but I'm glad they exist as they give me hope other than amputation (not that they would amputate, but it's something I would seriously consider if offered).
One is a device that would be implanted into my back that would send a signal to my nerves to dull the pain and the other is called Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy where they somehow recycle my own blood and then inject the "healing power blood" back into my feet. If anyone has tried either treatment I would appreciate your feedback.
I also have a burning pain when I wear shoes and a pain that feels like a toothpick is being jammed into my toenail but these pains are believed to be related to my recent diagnosis of Diabetes.
I tried some medicines for that pain but they made me feel uncomfortable and now I'm trying Lyrica. It's secondary compared to the deep throbing pain and stabbing pain from the PF. The doctors took me a lot more seriously after
I had a Bone Scan which apparently proved in a way that I'm not just making this up.
I've applied for SSDI as I could not handle the last inside sales job due to the pain and medications limiting my ability to multi-task. I used to be able to type and listen and now I can only do one thing at a time.
Also I had prostate cancer and a total knee replacement within the last 3 years. I had lots of arthitis in my knee but it was replaced due to a previous injury.
That's my story.
Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated. I'm 44 years old.
Joshua Answers: Hi Mark.
You're a complicated case, that's for sure.
And a perfect example of the Downward Spiral of the
Pain Causing Dynamic.
Plus you have Diabetes. Plus you've had cancer.
It's safe to say that aside from the purely physical factors, you are seriously nutritionally insufficient and deficient.
Which, of course, American hospital medicine doesn't look into, much less believe in.
Yes, you have
Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis specifically in the lower leg structures. But you have a lot more going on than that.
What Is TendonitisI don't expect that Plasma Rich Platelet therapy would do much for you. It's worth a shot, no pun intended, it definitely helps connective tissue structures heal.
But a lot of your pain and problem is coming from nutritional and thus systemic issues. The
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery didn't work because your foot pain was just a system of a bigger issue.
Corticosteroid Injections never fix anything, and getting 7 isn't great. Generally they limit it to three injections for any particular problem.
So, I have some questions:1. What is your vitamin D level? If you don't know, get it checked ASAP.
2. Do you supplement with any vitamin/mineral/nutritional supplements?
3. What does a day in the life of your diet look like?
4. What did the bone scan show?
5. Confirm for me that your medical professionals didn't tell you how to cure diabetes.
So that's a start for this conversation.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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