Plantar Fasciitis Release Surgery was best thing I ever did after years of suffering
by Susan
(Jacksonville, Fl.)
I started having pain in my left foot 15 years ago. My family physician diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis and sent me to a podiatrist. He gave me several cortisone injections over several months. My foot and ankle was swollen and bruised so he sent me for a bone scan with contrast dye.
He said I had arthritis. The bruising got worse so my husband suggested I get a second opinion so I did. When the new DR. x-rayed my foot he said it was fractured on the outer bone due to changing the way I walked to avoid putting pressure on my heel due to pain from plantar fasciitis.
I was in a walking cast for 6 weeks. That was just the beginning. The right foot started hurting from favoring it due to the pain in the left foot. X-rays revealed I had plantar fasciitis and a heel spur in my right foot now too.
The new Dr. started off with conservative treatments such a anti inflamatory medication, rest, ice, and home stretches. That didn't work so we progressed to custom made inserts-orthotics. From there he tried taping and wrapping my foot and sleeping with a night splint. From there we moved on to numerous cortisone injections for several years. I finally had plantar fasciotomy surgery on my right foot 5 1/2 years ago in December 2005.
It was the best thing I ever did my right foot has been pain free ever since. The left foot still bother me and I am scheduled for surgery on July 13, 2011. I saw another Dr. briefly for my left foot due to an insurance change and he confirmed what the other had said plantar fasciitis and a large heel spur.
He did nerve conduction studies on my left foot as well which are very painful. I am now back with the Dr. who did surgery on my right foot he is doing my left. After having bone spurs in both heels and plantar fasciitis in both feet for many years I sympathize with all of you that have this very painful condition.
My pain has become so chronic that it is not just the heel it is also the arch, ankle (which is extremely swollen all the time), back of the heel and calf muscle. This condition can be very debilitating. I am 45 years old with 3 children I would like to keep up with but this condition makes it difficult.
My surgery is 1 month away and I hope I have as good an outcome
as I did 5 years ago on my right foot. I am actually looking forward to this surgery I am tired of living in pain. I will write again after my surgery.
Joshua Answers:Hi Sue.
I'm so glad to hear about the beneficial results of the plantar fasciitis surgery you had on your right foot.
I hope the left goes as well.
I'm curious, when you say you're pain free in the right foot, does that mean 'good as new', or 'pain free but still some other issue, or really 'pain free'?
Plantar Fasciitis can come from a variety of directions, some of them
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery can help with to some degree or other, some it can't at all.
As with all forms of
Tendonitis, I'm always curious about the CAUSE of the pain and other symptoms.
What Is TendonitisWhat -caused- your feet to become the way they did?
I'm very curious what
The ARPwave System could do for your situation.
From an ARPwave perspective, you have some electrical disconnect that causes muscles not to fire how they're supposed to, limiting their ability to do work and absorb force. If you're standing there and your muscles aren't supporting you correctly, then you collapse onto yourself, onto your joint, etc.
That explains the bruising, the swelling, the bone spurs, the compensation pattern.
It's just a matter of turning the proper signal back on, kind of like an electrician going into a houses electrical system.
ARPwave offers a free and risk free trial session, where they'll send a unit to your house and do an evaluation and treatment over the internet via webcam. I'm -very- curious what your experience would be.
Here's more about that at this page:
The ARPwave SystemRegardless, if you do get surgery on your left foot, please do keep us updated.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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