by Deborah Michelle
(Los Angeles, CA USA)
Ok, I started getting PF when I was 22. I wore crappy Payless heels everywhere, waited tables, taught aerobics and ran track.
Started getting really bad at 28, when I had a job standing on concrete. I had a couple rounds of cortizone and it was good until age 32.
I was in a cardio boot camp and one day I felt this horrible pain in my achilles. Over the next 8 years, I had a total of 7 shots in my left foot, 5 in my right... I did physical therapy, icing therapy, tens unit, stretching, acupuncture, chiropractor (adjusted my ankles often), hypnosis, pain management, walking casts, sleep casts, massage, all types of meds, and more! The pain vascillated from one foot to the other. I could never remember which one was worse.
At age 37, I has ESWT (it's a type of surgery that works on the outside of the foot). It worked for a couple of years. I abused my feet by not losing wt and by standing a lot in my line of work. I had this procedure on BOTH feet at the same time.
I could NO longer stand it, so I underwent Topaz surgery on my left foot 5 days ago. The right is not so bad, but my left was unbearable.
I am wrapped up in a soft cast and a walking boot. I am taking Vicodin because the doc needs the swelling and the blood flow.
That's it!
I pray this will work. The unbearable pain I have suffered through has completely changed me.
I hope I can get myself back someday.
I turn 40 in a couple of months and I have been suffering 1/2 my life. It's really unfortunate.
Good luck to you all! deb
Joshua Answers:Hi Deb.
I hope it works too!
To help it work, let's do a couple things.
Ice Dip as described on the
How To Reduce Inflammation page.
You've had a serious
Process of Inflammation in there for a LONG time. Surgery will inflame that. Help your body by helping it get that Inflammation out of there.
Tendonitis, whether it's
Achilles Tendonitis or otherwise, can be really bad news. Many factors go into that.
For instance, tight calf structures can cause your feet to hurt.
For instance, being Vitamin D deficient can cause pain that mimics Tendonitis (you said your pain went from side to side, this could be one
full or partial explanation why).
Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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