Will My Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs and Neuroma Ever be Better After Surgery?
by JJ
(Amarillo, Tx)
I have had heel spurs on both feet for more than 15 years, and plantar fascitis problems for the the last 10 years.
I tried PT, different shoes, and I thought just about everything. I was in so much pain, it was just miseralbe to even get out of bed each day, and by night they were terrible! I went to this foot Dr. who just said he felt the surgery to remove the heal spurs and do the plantar fasciitis surgery was neccesary to help releave my feet pain, also he said I had Neuromas (may have mispelled)near my toes, he removed one from each foot.
I did the first foot the first of April, and did the 2nd in May. I can't tell you just how Much Pain I am Now in!!!! They hurt worse than they Ever hurt before, I've gone back in many times to inform him, and try to find out if this is normal or is there Anything he can do?
He say's I have alot of Scar tissue, that is causing alot of the problem, so he's given me Cortizone shots, one in the left foot, and 2 in the right. They hurt Like Hell!!!!!
I'm still in tremendous Pain, is this normal, it's now been almost 4 months, it seem each week there's a new pain in my feet, along with the previous pain!
Has anyone had all these surgeries and did you recover, Ever? What did you do?
Thinking of seeing a different Dr, but not sure What He can Now do??
Joshua Answers:Hi JJ.
I can't speak for the experiences of others, but I can say that your doctor has nothing to help you with.
He did the only thing he knows:
surgery. It didn't help. You're on your own.
Point being, the current medical establishment doesn't have anything for you at this point except more of the same.
Is it normal to hurt like this? Absolutely. You're feet and lower legs weren't working correctly, and somebody went in there with an axe and chopped off bone and removed nerve tissue.
The body doesn't look kindly on that kind of thing.
Plus, your doctor didn't do -anything- to fix the CAUSE of the bone spurs and neuroma pain. So you're in the same boat you were already in, plus the insult of surgery.
The first two things I would do were I you is:
1. Learn
How To Reduce Inflammationand
2. See:
Magnesium for Tendonitis.
You already had a big and chronic
Process of Inflammation along with your foot
Tendonitis dynamic.
What Is Tendonitis?For 15+ years you've had a slowly increasing
Pain Causing Dynamic.
You need to get the pain causing chemical OUT. And you MUST get Magnesium in.
Start there.
Ask questions along the way.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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