Pain and more pain after Plantar Fasciitis Surgery resulting in Foot Hernia
by Doreen
i had the surgery on 9-9-10, have more pain than i did before, plus a hernia at the incision site.
doctor tells me it can take a year to heal, we will see.
it appears to be a hit or miss thing, some do well and others don't. i happen to hit the don't.
i had the surgery that they come in from one side and out the other,looks like you have an arrow through your foot, they then put a little camera in one end and the cutting tool in the other, he cut 70 percent.
so with every step i take i ask my self what the hell did ya do it for.
i have a low tolorence for pain, not good, if i was a horse i'd say shoot me, lol
Joshua Answers:Hi Doreen.
Technically, there's no such thing as a foot hernia.
Hernia officially means that you have intestine poking through somewhere. That's not happening in your foot, which has me ask the question..."What is sticking out of your foot??"
Do you mean you have tissue squishing out from the surgery incision?
That's not good, that's definitely a trip to the surgeon to ask "What the h$ll is this
and what are you going to do about it?
I'm also curious what exactly the surgeon cut. 70% of what, exactly?
So let me know some details of the foot 'hernia', and more details of the surgery, and we'll go from there.
Tendonitis and
Process of Inflammation are their own conversation. Foot tissue poking out of a foot surgery incision is something else entirely....
What Is Tendonitis? ----------------------
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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