Having surgery on both my feet--best gift I ever gave myself!
by Amy Payton
I started having pain in both my feet around age 35. By 38-39 years old I could barely do anything.
My left foot was extremely painful. After seeing my foot doctor for about 6 months and trying different things (stretches, orthotics), we decided on surgery. I had the left foot done in January 2009 and the right done in July 2009. The left foot was found to have a nerve tumor and a bone spur. The right foot just need the plantar fasciitis surgery.
I can not believe how wonderful I feel! I didn't know just how bad I was hurting until the pain was gone. The surgery itself was not that bad at all. It was very quick and I was in and out of the doctor's in about 3 hours total.
I was off work for 5 weeks for both surgeries. The first 2 weeks are the hardest-very worth it though. It took me about 6-7 weeks before I felt like I could walk normal. But after that I was pain free.
I have always been active and my feet put a damper on everything I did. I have now lost 25 lbs. Easy to do when you can finally do something as simple as walk! I can now ride my horses, play with the kids, take the dogs for a walk and not worry about paying for it later.
It has been a year since my last surgery and I would do it all over again if needed. Life it too short to live in pain.
Joshua Answers:Glad it worked out for you Amy!
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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