Having surgery on both my feet--best gift I ever gave myself!

by Amy Payton

I started having pain in both my feet around age 35. By 38-39 years old I could barely do anything.

My left foot was extremely painful. After seeing my foot doctor for about 6 months and trying different things (stretches, orthotics), we decided on surgery. I had the left foot done in January 2009 and the right done in July 2009. The left foot was found to have a nerve tumor and a bone spur. The right foot just need the plantar fasciitis surgery.

I can not believe how wonderful I feel! I didn't know just how bad I was hurting until the pain was gone. The surgery itself was not that bad at all. It was very quick and I was in and out of the doctor's in about 3 hours total.

I was off work for 5 weeks for both surgeries. The first 2 weeks are the hardest-very worth it though. It took me about 6-7 weeks before I felt like I could walk normal. But after that I was pain free.

I have always been active and my feet put a damper on everything I did. I have now lost 25 lbs. Easy to do when you can finally do something as simple as walk! I can now ride my horses, play with the kids, take the dogs for a walk and not worry about paying for it later.

It has been a year since my last surgery and I would do it all over again if needed. Life it too short to live in pain.


Joshua Answers:

Glad it worked out for you Amy!

Thanks for sharing your experience.

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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Mar 20, 2017
Worth The Recovery
by: Will

I started having pain in both my feet about two years ago at age 38. Being a technician in the RV industry I am on my feet about 10 hours of the day. The pain started in the mornings and then usually went away once I got moving. Gradually the pain got worse and lasted longer.

Started seeing the doctor about 6 months after the pain and of course was diagnosed with PF.

Started with exercises and ice and about a year into the pain opted for the injections. The injections would last a few days and the pain would return. After 3 rounds my right foot finally healed and the pain was gone. My left foot gradually got worse to the point that I could not work a full day. Started missing lots of hours at work until the doctor convinced me surgery was the only option. Scheduled endoscopic surgery and 2 weeks later had the procedure done at an ambulatory center. Surgery went well and I was home within 2 hours of surgery.

First several days had no pain but stayed off my feet as directed. The next week still used the crutches but needed no pain meds since there was no pain.

Week 2 I went for my follow up and was put in the walking boot and the stitches came out. I was allowed to put full weight with the boot but was still told to stay out of work for at least 3 more weeks. No big deal since my company has disability pay. Had some soreness at the incisions and only mild pain if I walked a lot during the day.

By the 4th week post op I had pretty much taken myself out of the boot and was walking in my shoe.

Went for my month check up and was told to stay in my shoe with my orthotics for 2 weeks and then I could go back to work. The pain was minimal but I had some problems with swelling. Saw the doctor once more and started wearing a compression sock and returned to work on week 6. I had a few days of mild pain but I am happy to say that after week 8 post op and being back to work full time I have absolutely no pain.

8 weeks sounds like a long recovery but I would gladly do it again for the end result. I will have to wear the orthotics forever but what a small price to pay to have my life back.

I finally feel like a 40 year old again and my life no longer revolves around my fear of foot pain. My advise is don't wait.

If your doctor wants the surgery done then get it over with and let the recovery begin it is worth it in the end.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Will.

Thanks for sharing.

See Related: Plantar Fasciitis Surgery In Both Feet Best Decision I Made So Far

See Related: Plantar Fasciitis Release Surgery Was Best Thing I Ever Did After Years Of Suffering

Jul 09, 2011
topaz surgery in 8 weeks, will it hurt
by: liz

Hi i'm Liz, i'm having topaz surgery in 8 weeks, i have pain in both my ankles, my doctor is doing one foot first then if successful the other, he said i will be off work 3 to 4 months

I'm very scared about this procedure,and wonder if i will be in pain afterwards liz


Joshua Comments:

Hi Liz.

Chances are high that it will hurt. There's a reason you'll be off work for 3-4 months.

3-4 months! How much damage is the surgery going to do, and what exactly is it supposed to 'fix'?

In other words, how exactly is it going to correct the actual problem that is making your ankles hurt?

Where exactly are they going to do the Topaz procedure surgery? Is that the cause of the problem, or just where it hurt?

I'm a fan of fixing the source of the problem, thus in your situation I highly suggest trying the free in-home trial of The ARPwave System.

You have 8 weeks till your scheduled surgery. It's certainly worth a shot to try to avoid it, yes?

For free I'd start learning How To Reduce Inflammation.

For slightly less free I'd get my Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook.

And to pull out the big gun and not just avoid Topaz surgery but also 'fix' the real problem, you want The ARPwave system.

Jan 16, 2011
Thank you
by: Shelly

Thank you so much for sharing this. It has helped me tremendously to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I got out of my boots 2 weeks ago and still having pain when I walk mostly when barefoot, when standing for longer than a couple minutes and first thing in the AM! I am so glad to hear that there suppose to be pain still once the boots are off! :-)

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