Wrist Tendonitis Problem, Grad Student, Levaquin may be involved
by Tina
I'm 24 and at the end of July noticed pain in my right wrist/arm as I was packing to move from CA to GA.
I wore a wrist brace and took Advil but the problem escalated so have been to an orthopedic and physical therapist here in GA and so far my condition is not improving and has become worse with typing.
I had an EMG test which revealed no nerve damage but "some hypersensitivity over superficial radial nerve."
The orthopedic ordered the test thinking it would show carpal tunnel.
He hasn't discussed the results with me yet, but I'm assuming it's Tendonitis.
Some contributing factors may be that I was on Levaquin 750mg for 10 days in January 2009 for a horrible strep sinus infection during which time I did feel joint pain.
In March a blood test revealed I had a Vit D deficiency. I also lost weight when sick, but now my general health seems much better and my weight is 110 and I'm 5'5".
Currently my right wrist feels like it's constantly flexed and feels very clenched when I type, drive, cook, etc. For the past few weeks, I've had someone helping me so I don't drive, cook, clean, etc in hopes that rest will help my hand.
I've been deep icing for the past week and it has helped my left wrist which was also hurting but not nearly to the extent as my right wrist. My right wrist isn't responding to the deep icing so now I'm wondering what I should do next. Do I continue the deep icing for another week or is 7 days some kind of limit?
I ordered the DVD for carpal tunnel which I have not received yet, but should I do some of the exercises that it will mention? I really need to type papers for my grad classes and am wondering if I am doing permanent damage to my wrist(s)?
Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated since I feel like I cannot function on a daily basis without someone here helping me constantly.
Joshua Answers:
Hi Tina. Thanks for all the details.
I certainly do have some thoughts and advice, and I need some more information, I still don't have a clear enough picture.
1. What was your activity level with your hands before packing? Lots of typing, sports, etc? I imagine that your wrists were ready to hurt and packing sent them over the edge.
2. Did you have any numbness or tingling, is that why the doctor did an EMG? Or were they just testing due to pain?
3. Do you know your Vitamin D level from the test? How low were you? Are your levels now up in the normal range? (If not, we need to get you up, pronto)
4. Please describe, in more detail, your pain and symptoms. How when where why how long how often etc. How bad is it that you have someone helping you so much?
5. When you had joint pain from Levaquin, did your wrists hurt? Describe those pain symptoms more, how long it lasted, etc.
6. No you're not doing permanent damage. Well, let me say that another way. If you don't do the right things to reverse the problem, it will technicaly be permanent, but unless it's Levaquin tendon damage, it can be reversed. If it is Levaquin related, that may or may not be a different story.
7. By deep icing I assume you mean ice dipping.
What do you mean it's not responding? Say more about that. And, how exactly and how much are you icing? That's important for me to know.
Let me know, and lets start getting your pain levels down.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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