Wrist tendonitis or guitar tendonitis in father and bass player
by Paul
I have been experiencing pain in the back of the hands, down into the forearms, as well on the underside of the wrist near the palms, and down into the forearm. It is excruciating.
Noticed it while playing the bass and it just kept getting worse, even when I stopped playing.
There is no swelling, juts pain, my forearms fatigue easily, and my wrists catch and pop like crazy.
Sounds like I have bubble wrap in my wrists.
I've been to the orthopedic doctor several times for it. I've tried oral steroids, injected steroids, rest, braces, physical therapy, and ice dipping.
Nothing seems to be working. I cannot play the guitar, throw the football with my son, and typing on the computer at work is an issue.
Being in both hands/wrists/arms makes it even more difficult because anything I do for massage or PT on one hand, aggravates the other.
Its only been a couple of months, but it's getting very scary where I am beginning to wonder if i am permanently disabled.
Any thoughts, or input?
Joshua Answers:Hi Paul.
Yep, I have plenty of thoughts and comments.
Wrist Tendonitis or Guitar Tendonitis?
Overall, there's no difference. It's all about the dynamic, tightness and pain.
Guitar Tendonitis does have a specific difference in there, but you don't need to worry about that factor until you knock the bulk of the pain down.
And, there's
There Are Two Types Of Tendonitis. One with damage, one without. Just from what you've told me so far, I'd guess you don't have damage, per se. You're just SO TIGHT, and you've been that way so long, that you just suddenly went over the threshold of what your body could handle.
1. Welcome to the
Tendonitis dynamic!
Symptoms of Tendonitis can show up due to a variety of factors. Not just repetitive motion.
2. Your
Pain Causing Dynamic progressed exactly the same way everybody else's did, but, since every person and their situation is different, yours
looks a bit different.
3. It sounds like you're 'stuck'. Specifically what I mean by that is, usually, if one stops the offending activity, pain sensations eventually lessen.
Yours are staying the same or getting worse.
4. So, your ecology is super IRRITATED, and any little movement makes it worse. In fact, resting makes it worse (or at least, keeps it going) because now you're stuck in a feedback loop.
The nervous system reads tightness and pain, so it tries to protect you in the only way it knows....with more tightness and pain. Which then makes it read more tightness and pain, etc.
5. So, what factors should you target?
A. The
Process of Inflammation. Yes, you have inflammation, constantly releasing pain enhancing chemical.
How To Reduce Inflammation.
You said you ice dipped. My educated guess is that you didn't do enough.
Tell me exactly what you did.
Magnesium for TendonitisMagnesium deficiency, basically, causes tight muscles to stay tight, or tighter. Mag deficiency symptoms also equal muscle pain, spasm (which you are experiencing even if you don't feel any twitch).
If I were only going to tell you two things, I would focus on those two factors.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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