Wrist Tendonitis occurring again after DeQuervain's surgery
I'm 26 years old and about 2 1/2 years ago, my right wrist started getting really stiff and started swelling on one side. Eventually, I had to go see a doctor and was diagnosed with DeQuervain's Tendonitis. I had to wind up having surgery due to nothing else was working.
Well about 4 months ago, my left wrist started doing the same thing...and now BOTH of my wrists are the same. Now my doctor wants me to go have a NCV to rule out Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and I'm really not wanting to.
Any suggestions?
Joshua Answers:Sure, I have plenty of suggestions, but some questions first.
1. Describe your Carpal Tunnel symptoms, in detail.
2. What do you do activity wise all day, job or hobby?
3. What -exactly- did they do when they did surgery?
4. What did you try before surgery that didn't work, exactly?
5. Say more about the 'swelling on one side'.
6. Why did you get the DeQuervain's diagnosis as opposed to anything else?
7. How is the side that had surgery now? Symptom free?
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert