Wrist Tendonitis From Gardening- several years now
by Home Gardener
I am a 54 year old female. I am a home gardener and I first developed wrist tendonitis after turning the soil in my garden with a pitchfork.
I was pressing down with my right hand. After realizing it wasn't just going away I went to the doctor, had an xray, followed by some physical therapy for about 10 weeks twice a week.
They made a brace for me which I wore most of the day. Neither helped much. My doctor finally ordered a cortisone shot. It helped a lot.
But after about 8 months returned (probably when I started to garden again). I started to wear the brace again, but eventually had to go back and get another cortisone shot, which did not help for very long. That was about 4 months ago.
Gradually the pain got worse and worse. I wear the brace and it feels ok with it on but as soon as it comes off it hurts.
It seems as if it hurts more after I've worn the brace for a while. The wrist feels weak. I use an Icy Hot bandage around my wrist at bedtime, take ibuprofen a few times a day and both help but not enough.
I am discouraged that it will never go away.
Joshua Answers:Hi Home Gardener.
Ok, so you have been having wrist pain for a
good long while now.
1. Why exactly do you think it is
Wrist Tendonitis, as opposed to anything else, like a little rip or tear (which wouldn't show up on xray)?
2. Describe the pain. Where, when, sharp, dull, throbbing, buring, where exactly, etc.
3. Right hand only?
4. How's the elbow, shoulder, neck?
5. History of injury/break anywhere on that arm?
6. Know your Vitamin D level?
7. Do you sleep with the brace? Do your fingers/wrist curl at night when you sleep?
8. Any numbness or tingling?
First off, start Ice Dipping as described on the
How To Reduce Inflammation page. The more dips the merrier.
Talk to you soon.
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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