Wrist Tendonitis and Tennis Elbow from typing essays and playing guitar
by Peter
Two months ago I developed tennis elbow and wrist tendonitis from doing an excessive amount of typing for essays and also playing guitar at the same time.
The pain isn't massive and I still maintain strength in both my arms. I've had anti- inflammatorys and it went away, but came back when I lifted something very heavy, obviously the tendon was still weak.
I have been doing the ice dipping and its been helping a great deal.
My question is which dvd should I get? The Tennis Elbow one or the Carpal Tunnel one? Unfortunately I cant afford both at this appointing time.
I need help though as I have a lot of assignments due and a vast amount of typing to do and I don't want to make it worse. So which one?
BTW I am also a vegetarian relatively active, not so much for a little while since university has taken over my life.
Joshua Answers:Hi Peter.
Keep with the icing. Up the numbers. If you have to, keep typing as much as you want, but you need to very much increase the number of dips to counter ongoing irritation and the body's protective response.
I suggest that of the two, you get
'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works'.
It will directly help the entire
dynamic in the lower arm and wrist/hand, and we will use it as a base to work from.
Playing guitar sets up a certain mechanism in the forearm/wrist/hand.
Typing excessively sets up a very very almost identical mechanism.
The 'Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works' DVD has the bulk of what what you need to reverse the mechanism, and definitely has what you need to drop the pain levels and help support the body to keep itself happy and pain free.
And, it will take some time and effort, fair warning. And, it works if you do it, as you are seeing with the icing. And, I'm available for fine tuning and what not until you are as pain free and as able to use your hands as you want to be.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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