Wrist tendonitis and Plavix question

by Doug
(Rockville, MD)


I've injured my left outer wrist playing golf.

I've rested and iced it after playing, but the tendonitis persists.

After viewing your website, I'm going to try your icing recommendations and see if it helps.

Also, I'm on Plavix, after having three stents placed in my heart 1-1/2 years ago.

I've noticed that injuries, including strains and bruises seem to take longer to heal.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.

Great website with really helpful advise.




Joshua Answers:

Hey Doug.

Do try out the icing recommendations. Let me know exactly what you do, and the results you get from that. Then I'll ask questions like 'how did you injure your wrist, exactly?'

I'm curious, are you on Statins too?

I haven't seen any connections between Tendonitis, but there are definite connections between Statins and Muscle Pain.

As this study says, Tendinous disorders attributed to statins are rare.

But muscle pain, ache, weakness and fatigue are common side effects of Statins. And if you have muscle pain, then that sets off a chain that can lead to tendonitis symptoms.

Aside from aging, this can explain why you aren't healing/recovering as fast as you would expect to.

Good thing there's a remedy for that!

You have stents in, so I'm just assuming you're on Statins.

You may or may not have Tendonitis, but you definitely have muscle tightness, connective tissue constriction, and a Process of Inflammation.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Oct 26, 2009
PART 2 - Tendonitis & statins - Wrist tendonitis and Plavix question
by: Anonymous


Thanks for the timely response. By the way, I'm 61 years old. I'm on Crestor, 5 Mgs and also Zetia. I have had muscle spasms, especially in the morning before getting out of bed, especially in my calfs. My doctors have concerns and have found no real solutions. I take magnesium and CO Q10.

My CPK level is only slightly elevated at 275 - 350. When I was off statins my cholesterol zoomed to 250+. Now it's down to 170., so the statins do work in that regard.

I'm trying the ice bath for the last two days, and will continue. Should I also rest the wrist, or can I use some type of wrist brace or support if I want to keep playing golf?

Thanks again,


Joshua Comments:

Normal CPK levels is 50-170. If you have a CPK over that....you have continuous muscle death going on, and Rhabdomyolosis becomes a potential concern. (I'll make a page on that here soon.)

That is NOT GOOD.

1. How much CoQ10 are you taking?

2. How much Magnesium?

3. What is your Triglycerides level now?

4. What was your Triglycerides level when your cholesterol was 250?

5. HDL then and now.

6. Vitamin D level?

In answer to your icing question, yes keep ice dipping. Some rest is good. Brace in the SHORT term is ok, I'm not a big fan of them in the long run.

Self massage in the spots where it hurts.

That's all I'm going to say about that right now, because if you really want to keep playing golf, I really think you should put all your focus on your CPK.

You know how you get cell death from a really heavy, hard workout that leaves your sore for days? If you have any amount of Rhabdo going, then you -constantly- have muscle cell death happening.

It puts off lots of toxins, and it will catch up to you. Full blown Rhabdomyolosis is BAD news.

It's good that your doctors are concerned. Though...are they concerned about the cholesterol or the CPK?

Please answer the above questions so I can have a better picture of what's going on there.

(and good news/bad news, I am focusing more on that as I'm more worried about that than the Wrist Tendonitis, and it's possible you don't have tendonitis, just pain from the underlying systemic issues. Let's get it figured out.)

Oct 27, 2009
PART 3 - Response re: CPK, etc. - Wrist tendonitis and Plavix question
by: Doug

Responding to Joshua

1. How much CoQ10 are you taking? - 200 MG

2. How much Magnesium? - 2x250 Magnesium Oxide

3. What is your Triglycerides level now? - 130

4. What was your Triglycerides level when your cholesterol was 250? - 115?

5. HDL then and now. 28 then, 43 now

6. Vitamin D level? Unknowm

Also, my latest CPK level was 190. Doesn't it have to be higher to pose a risk?
My docs feel this is an acceptable tradeoff for the benefit returned by using the statin. I'm on a low dose 5Mg Crestor, and I skip the dose on the weekends.

Thanks again,


Joshua Comments:

Hey Doug.

I know it's a tough place to be, one person telling you one thing, another person telling you another. It's all about gathering more information and making the best choices we can, I think.

On CoQ10 supplementation. That's probably a good dosage. And, do you know your levels? Is that amount based on anything in particular?

On the CPK topic, -I- would be worried about being over the upper ceiling. 190's not as bad as the 275-350 you said first, granted.

But that number means that you have some amount of constant muscle cell death happening constantly.

You're doctors are concerned, that's good. They have no answers, not so good. They feel it's an ok trade off, some high CPK dynamic as a cost of low cholesterol.

At which point it's up to you to decide. Go with how it is, or get really curious and really start looking into it.

I notice I'm really attached to this. Maybe because my father has a few stents in, and his last little blockage caused some actual damage to the heart, slowed him down a good bit, even though his cholesterol was/is way low. NO explanations from the doctor why the stents blocked.

He has many side effects of Statins. But he has no interest in doing anything other than what his doctor advises.

I wish he would do otherwise. He has no willingness to think that his doctors might not know best, or that their prescriptions might be hurting him.

And, I can see how it's a scary place, having some heart issues and hoping that one is doing the best one can do treatment-wise.

And, I've read too much and heard too much, about how while Statins do lower cholesterol, not only do they have serious side effects, but if you look at the actual statistics, you see that statins aren't effective at actually saving lives.

Again, it goes right back to who to believe. Depending on who's statistics you look at....


Oct 28, 2009
PART 4- Wrist tendonitis and Plavix question
by: The Tendonitis Expert

(Continued from PART 3)

While I'm firmly on the anti-statins side of the fence, 5mg -is- not a very big dose. Still, you are having muscle spasms, which could be magnesium related, or CoQ10 deficiency symptoms, or a combination of both, or....

And, heart health is -way- outside my professional experience. It's an intriguing topic and I enjoy the conversation and helping people, and...at this point I'm just going to point you to some stuff to read, suggest two things, and then focus us back on your golf injury.

And I'm totally availble for any conversation and questions you have. I want you playing golf for another 30 years, and I'll help how I can, which could very well be just pointing you towards more information to help you choose what's best for you.

Some Articles on Statin topics, with great explantions and various research reverences:
Crestor: Really Worth The Risk? -- Again, 5mg is a low dose...

Calcium build up more dangerous that cholesterol levels -- This one starts to explain why stents get blocked even when cholesterol levels are very low.

The Dangers of Statin Drugs

900 studies show Statin Drugs are Dangerous

My Kerri is a great resource for me, being a long time ER/ICU nurse and Functional Medicine practitioner. Here is a blog post of hers, on new cholesterol guidelines. It looks like you went from Very High Risk to High Risk.

New Cholesterol Guidelines


1. Switch from Magnesium Oxide to anything other than oxide, like glycinate, citrate, maleate. Check out my Kerri's page on Magnesium Dosage.

2. Get the Organix Profile test as described on Kerri's Detoxification and Vitamin Deficiency Test page.

The amount of specific information you will get from that test is -WELL- worth the money; CoQ10 levels, detoxification pathway function, intestinal health and fuction (candida overgrowth can cause high cholesterol levels, for instance), and more and more.

Wrist Pain From Golf Injury:

Ice intensively for a few more days, and then answer:

1. How exactly did you injure your wrist?

2. What hurts, exactly?

3. How bad, how long, etc.

The more detail the better.

Oct 28, 2009
PART 5 - Vitamin D3
by: The Tendonitis Expert

Joshua Comments:

Oh, I can't believe I forgot.

Vitamin D3! Have (make) your doctor do a Vitamin D level on you. Or I can point you to a $40 home blood spot test kit you do at home and send in to the lab.

I can't stress Vitamin D3 enough!!!

Oct 28, 2009
PART 6 - Statins/tendonitis - Wrist tendonitis and Plavix question
by: Doug


Wow! You've given me a lot to read and investigate. I'll check everything out and then talk to my doctors. I know I need to change from the Mag Oxide. To answer the questions:

1. How exactly did you injure your wrist? - I hit down on a shot from gnarly rough, and felt pain on left side of left wrist right away, but kept playing.

2. What hurts, exactly? - The tendon area attached to the ulnar side of the left wrist.

3. How bad, how long, etc. This happened 3 weeks ago. I've played and hit balls since, but the nagging pain continues. The ice therapy and some rest seem to help.

The more detail the better.

Thanks again and I'll keep icing for a few more days and get back to you.


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