Wrist Tendonitis and Ice Dipping, long term questions
by Allan
From your writeups, it sounds like I have tendonitus in my right wrist, in the tendon that is on top of my wrist, the one towards the pinky side. I think I may have got this skate skiing which tends to hyperextend the joint, but now it can be set off by various things. Tennis also sets it off to the point I have to quit the game. Does that mean I have bad technique?
In any case, I am following your icing protocol, and I presume that it will work for now. I guess what isn't clear is what happens at the end of the protocol, assuming the pain is gone.
Does that mean that I can expect the slightest little thing will no longer set it off? Or do I restart the protocol every time I feel even the slighest irritation, or do I do it on an ongoing basis as a preventative measure?
I look forward to your thoughts. Thanks.
Joshua Answers:Hi Allan. You didn't leave your email by clicking on the notifications box, so I hope you find this.
Maybe you have bad form, I don't know, I certainly can't see from here...
As to your ice dipping questions, that I have answers for.
1. Ice dip for seven days. This will give you a certain amount of results and body of knowledge.
2. Ice Dipping is designed to lower pain levels and reduce inflammation. All by itself, it isn't a 'fix' for
Wrist Tendonitis.
3. If pain does drop way down, and you get/stay active, it will go one of two ways.
Either a little bit of activity will cause pain again, or it won't but likely will in the future.
Ice dipping usually drops overall everywhere pain and leaves you with a more specific location of pain/fatigue when using your hands.
Either way, it's good information that you can work with.
My main point here, is that Ice Dipping lowers pain levels if you do it enough. Mileage will vary depending on your exact situation.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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