Wrist pain from overuse turned into elbow, forarm, and hand/finger pain.
by NV
Last December is when the whole issue started.
Prior to it, I was playing guitar and hour a day, playing video games regularly, lifting weights a few times a week, and driving an hour to and from work every week day. My job is working with very small electronic components, and can require use of hands all day.
So last December I spent about two weeks using a nut driver and a screw driver at the same time for about 4 hours a day. (Both hands doing a screw driver type motion).
Then I spent a week of nearly doing it all day.
Hands started getting tired at the end of day, then tired all day, then sore, then very sharp and sore. I stopped and did as much as I could at work to avoid and screw driver type rotation type movements.
From Dec to April the wrists hurt, but got better slowly. I was doing wrist and finger exercise. I could still play guitar and every thing else (I did give up weights through), just screw drive type motions would cause pain.
Come April the pain was 99% gone. A friend unfortunately brought the pain back trying some martial art type arm and wrist locks on me (sigh...).
The pain was not horrible, just back. I had just started to lift weights and I wanted to keep it up. So I wrapped my wrists up and went to the gym. I did some over head presses with dumbbells. Three days later at work, my elbows start to hurt like I have NEVER felt before. It was bad.
Over the next week the elbows started to feel better. But still hurt. Over the next few weeks at work, my
wrists started to hurt more. Then the backs of my hands. Then my fingers.
From April till June I worked through the pain with Ibuprofen. I decided this was too much. I stopped working. Since then the pain in my elbows is almost all gone (they crack a lot). Wrists still hurt, but not as much as in June when I stopped work. Fingers are getting better, but can still hurt, Heavy lifting will bring back pain in fingers for 2 weeks.
Physiotherapist found no swelling anywhere pretty much even at the height of all the pain. She was happy with my ability to flex everything without causing pain(the pain was already there). And I don’t think I ever really lost any strength anywhere, I was just in pain all the time. Blood work for arthritis turned up with nothing.
Rheumatoid doctor said rest will fix it.
I am wondering what is wrong. No doctor has said the same thing! And is there any supplements that will help tendons (if that is what is bothering me) heal.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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Dec 11, 24 08:57 PM
Reversing DeQuervains Tendonitis is relatively simple to do when you know the RIGHT ways to actually make de quervains tendonitis go away.
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Reversing Whiplash Tendonitis can be done at home, whether it's a new injury or decades old. Reverse the dynamic, make your neck structure health again.
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