Wrist Pain From Motorcycle Riding and pulling on the Clutch
by Clutch Pain
Hi Joshua....I love your website and have read just about every word on it...THANKS. I am currently suffering from what I "think" to be wrist tendonitis. Here's the story. I ride a motorcycle. I just started about two years ago. I've put on 40,000 miles in the two years that I've been riding, so I ride A LOT.
When I ride, a 3-400 mile day is normal for me. All was going great until all of a sudden, 3 months ago...COMPLETELY out of the blue, I pulled in the clutch with my left hand and felt a shooting pain up my wrist and arm to the elbow.
There was no prior injury, no trauma, no broke bones EVER. No indication that this was about to happen. NONE.
Anyway, after that, I took about a month off from riding. I thought that would be sufficient for healing.
It wasn't.
After the month was over, I got back on the bike and within 70 miles, I was in extrememe shooting pain up my arm.
I took a couple more weeks off. I got back on the bike and in 70 miles, there was the pain again. No Motrin, no splints, no doctor appointments.
So, here I sit....I can't ride my Harley.
I've taken the bike into the shop and had it gone over mechanically. I had the clutch re-adjusted. So, we ruled that out.
I did buy a splint for wearing while I sleep, I got that two days ago. I've taken your "ice" advice and am doing that as well, just started yesterday. Still, no Motrin, my stomach won't let me take anti-inflammatories.
I'm not certain if I have wrist tendonitis, or carpal tunnel.
I do NOT have numbness or tingling.....I only have shooting and excruciating
pain when I'm shifting gears on my bike. No other movement produces pain at all.
I also seem to be experiencing some weakness in my left thumb. I only notice that when I'm shifting on the bike. It makes it feel like my clutch is tight, but I know it's not because my right hand can pull the clutch in just fine.
I haven't been to a doctor because all they'll do is tell me to put on a splint and take some Motrin. I'm fairly certain nothing is broke because I can do every other movement BUT SHIFT THE GEARS ON MY BIKE with no pain.
What's your opinion?
Thank you very much for your time. Please understand that riding my motorcycle is MY LIFE.
I can't even begin to tell you how important this is to me that I find a way to get back on it.
You should also know that I am extremely small boned. My wrists are 5 inches in diameter.
Any help, opinions, or advice will be extremely appreciated.
Most Sincerely, Clutch Pain
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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