Will this wrist and arm pain get better or will I have a disability?
My manager injured me at work by puling me backward and forward to get a piece of paper from me.
Since Nov 07 this has not gotten better, and I am worried about my left hand and if i will be able to do my job at work again. I have pain in my fingers, pins and needles, palm of hand shooting pain in arm muscles in neck and shoulder
Will this get better or will I have a disability?
Joshua AnswersYikes! That doesn't sound fun.
I can't say whether you'll have a disability or not, but it's safe to say the kind dynamic that you describe rarely if ever just goes away on it's own, though it may settle down to some degree.
I definitely need more information before I can form an opinion. It could be any number of things....could have some
Whiplash in there, for instance.
1. Did you have -any- ache, pain, or symptoms before the incident at work?
2. How soon after the incident did you notice sypmtoms?
3. Did they all show up at once, or gradually come on?
4. Have pain levels and pins and needles been the same since November '07? Has it been getting worse, or better, or the same?
5. Do symptom levels stay the same, or do they go up and down?
6. What exactly were the motions/actions
involved in the incident at work?
7. Left side only? Is the other side fine?
8. Can you do your job now? What's the story there?
9. Please describe all your symptoms, in as great a detail as possible. How What When Where
Possibly you have Tendonitis, looks like there's some Carpal Tunnel dynamic in there, but from what you said I'm guessing more a whiplash issue and a freaked out nervous system (which explains all the carpal tunnel symptoms).
Answer the questions above to the best of your ability, and I will be able to form a more clear picture about what you have going on.
I can't diagnose, of course, but I can give you a very good idea of what is happening in your body, and what you can look forward to in the future.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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