What to do about Iliopsoas Tendonitis in a ballet dancer and kick boxer?
by Gerri
(Oakland, Ca)
I am a fellow massage therapist. One of my clients has been complaining about groin pain for almost a year now.
She is a ballet dancer and a she does kick boxing for "fun". So, it's no surprise that she is having groin and hip issues.
I've asked her to cut down on her classes until her issue is not longer acute. When she takes a break for a week or so, her groin seems to feel better. She does this off and on with some relief. This time she has taken 2 weeks off, and her pain has returned... this is new.
Any suggestions on how I can treat this?
Joshua Answers:Hi Gerri.
First off, I would have her read about the
Pain Causing Dynamic.
This explains how muscles get tight, and stay tight, and thus cause problems.
The pain returning so fast -wasn't- common for her. It has now reached the point where it will now be common for her.
And depending on the person, this will get 'worse' fast or slow.
Possibly she does have
Tendonitis. She certainly has chronically tight muscles and connective tissue that has been shrinkwrapping down and is now constrictive.
This sets her up for wear and tear injury as well as significant injury, depending on her activities.
Her Iliopsoas is too short. And that too short is now considered as normal by her nervous system. So when
she stands up, the Iliopsoas is now overstretched, and the nervous system does NOT like that.
So what does it do to protect her? It tightens up even more. Not real smart, but that's what it does.
How to treat Iliopsoas Tendonitis?
1. Have her stretch.
2. Teach her to get her thumb into her Iliacus, and have her do that often throughout the day, just for 30 seconds or so. Rub on it repeatedly throughout the day.
3. You Cross Fiber Friction the Femur attachment of the Iliopsoas tendon.
4. You get into the Psoas and the Iliacus and both release the muscle tightness, but more importantly, open up the fascia. Stretch the saran wrap that is tightly wrapped around the half squeezed sponge of her muscle.
Release the muscle. Release the connective tissue. XFF any scar tissue build up on the tendon and attachment.
More questions, more answers.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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