What steps should I take to relieve my wrist tendonitis?
by Katie
(St. Paul, MN)
For the past 6 months I have been working out more, which means more push-ups and push-up like positions for my wrists to be in.
I have to do push-ups with a fist on my knuckles. My right wrist had been a little tight before that, I work at a computer all day.
However, it has been getting more painful if I try to bend my that wrist 90 degrees and put pressure on it. The pain is on the top and side of my wrist near my thumb. My thumb has no pain.
I just found some stretches to do and I'll start icing it but I am wondering if immobilizing it will help it heal or hinder it.
I don't want to stop working out but I can limit the pressure I put on that hand and wrist.
Joshua Answers:Hi Katie.
Rock on for doing pushups!
So. Do you think that you are actually injured?
There Are Two Types Of Tendonitis, one with damage, one without.
Unless you tell me something to have me think that you are 'injured', I'm going to go with that you're just TOO TIGHT.
Pain Causing Dynamic! Slowly over time, more tightness, more pain, more tightness, more pain until one day it's a real problem.
Good news/bad news, we can feel disabling pain but not have -any- actual damage.
So when you ask if
immobilizing your wrist(s) would help or hinder, I say it will, in the long run, hinder.
Rest doesn't heal anything. It doesn't reverse damage, or loosen tight muscle, or lengthen too tight connective tissue.
It -does- reduce new irritation, so rest usually has pain settle down. But what happens when you go to use your hands and wrists and forearms like you want to again?
Pain comes back because the new irritation irritates to problematic structures. In other words, the ecology needs to be fixed.
And you can REVERSE the
Tendonitis, damage or no damage.
Stretches and icing may just do the trick. It just all depends on what you have going on in there.
Keep me updated.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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