What is the most effective treatment for my wrist?
by Kayode T.
(England, UK)
I fell off a horse playing polo almost 2 years ago and injured my right wrist.
Doctor first said my ligament was probably torn. Several x-rays were done and they could not really locate the problem, though the pain was there.
I was told to rest the wrist. So I did for several months; after the pain subsided a little, I started light weights. However after some time, the pains returned but I noticed it was more my thumb than my wrist.
I went back to see my doctor. This time I was told it is an inflamed tendon, though no-xray was done. I was given some tablets which didn't help much.
Now I am at a loss as to what to do as i have pains when i type, when I shake hands, when I turn the key, even when I write since it is my thumb that feels the pain the most.
I am not even keen to go back to my doctor as I have no confidence the right treatment will be administered. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Joshua Answers:Hello Kayode.
Ultimately, my first bit of advice is to
How To Reduce Inflammation.
Dialing down the Inflammation Process is the first line of defense against ongoing pain. And once that happens we can better identify the exact location of the problem. Right now, I bet it just hurts all over.
And you might as well read up on
Inflammation and the
Pain Causing Dynamic.
Maybe you have some Tendonitis in the wrist and/or thumb, maybe a torn/healed ligament or tendon injury, a small fracture (healed by now), maybe a little bit of everything.
Regardless of what the injury in there is/was, you definitely have
a chronic state of inflammation happening in there.
On a seperate note, in a perfect world your doctor would have known that ligament and tendon injury really just doesn't show up on x-ray. -Maybe- if it's a drastic tear in a big tendon..
But hopefully a break was ruled out?
More questions to help determine what exactly is going on.
1. Did the x-ray show a fracture or break?
2. Please describe the original injury. How did you fall off the horse? How did you land? Did it hurt immediately or later? How bad?
3. Has it hurt constantly? Randomly? Only with certain motions? Describe the history of the last two years.
4. How is it right now? Where is the pain, exactly? The more detail, the better.
5. What you you do with your hands all day, job and/or hobby wise?
6. What makes your wrist better, what makes it worse?
7. Any other problem in the arm/shoulder/neck/other hand?
I'm sure I'll come up with other questions, but let's start with that and see where we're at.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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