Weakness in Biceps after chest workout
by Matt
About a month ago, as i was lifting weights I started to notice a tightness in my left elbow.
It went away for about a week or so until I lifted chest again. This time the tightness in my elbow came back. It felt like my biceps tendon was throbbing. Then the next time I went to lift biceps I noticed my arm was progressively getting weaker and weaker by the exercise.
After my workout I noticed my left arm shrunk from 15.25 inches to 14.5 inches, and I was unable to make my left biceps muscle hard.
I didnt lose any strength in turning my palm to face up, and I can still feel the tendon is intact.
I did not feel any pop or notice any swelling or discoloration. I am lifting about 50% less than I could previously and I feel a general weakness in the area.
Joshua Answers:Hi Matt.
Hmmm. My first response is that you should go see a doctor, but let's investigate.
1. Do you have pain, when lifting or otherwise?
2. Any numbness or tingling in your hand or anywhere else in the arm?
3. Any symptoms other than 'tightness'?
4. When you say weakness, what does
that mean, exactly. Describe in detail.
5. Overall health.
6. History of injury.
7. Anything else of interest going on?
8. Do you have a sense of what is the cause of this?
9. Why exactly are you lifting 50% less. I know, weakness, but what exactly is happening in your experience? Details details details.
10. Is there a specific chest lift that caused this, or is it from overall lifting, or?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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