Veteran Dog Groomer with Tennis Elbow Symptoms And Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms
by Rani
(Fort Myers , Fl)
I`m a dog groomer and have been for 38 years. So I DO repetative motions 5 days a week.
I have recently started loosening my grip with my left hand and the elbow pain is intense.
I have a high pain threshold but constant pain is a bit much. I am used to the pain in my right elbow but it isn't as intense. For about 15 or so years I have woke from a sound sleep with numbness sometimes in my thumbs, pointer and middle finger and up my arm, other times the numbness is in my ring and pinky finger and up my arm mostly my right arm sometimes my left ( I do most of my work with both hands fine work with my right hand only)
Brushing, Combing clipper work ,Scissoring ,ear plucking, nail clipping day in day out. I do NOT have medical insurance and don`t trust doctors as far as I could throw one.
I generally rub the muscle on my forearm for a while and it helps for a little while, an ice pack now and then and I throw in a little heat every once in a while, If the pain is strong I take naproxemsodium.
Does the recommended treatments work for my symptomolgy?
I recently got my motorcycle license and am afraid to loose control of my grip in either hand
Any info will help!!
Joshua Answers:Hi Rani.
38 years. Wow. That's a career!
So..make sure you understand how
Tendonitis and the
Pain Causing Dynamic work.
Basically, slowly over time, connective tissue and muscles get tighter and tighter and this causes problems.
Right now for
you, things are so tight and so habitually tight, that the ecology of the area is...well....too tight.
This explains the pain, the weakness, and other symptoms.
Doctors would diagnose that numbness as an Ulnar Nerve Impingement and probably Carpal Tunnel Syndrome too.
You probably have more of a
Tennis Elbow dynamic than a
Wrist Tendonitis dynamic.
The reality is, though, it's all about the forearms. The forearm muscles connect to the elbow and the wrist. And when it's all tight, it steps on the hose of the nerve, cutting off flow.
And your forearms, front and back, are CONSTRICTED and pulling too much in every direction.
It's great that putting some ice on helps. That's a good sign.
Now it's just a matter of doing enough of the RIGHT things to REVERSE the progressive process that's been happening the last 38 years.
It's not rocket science, but it will take some diligence, time, and effort.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert