Unexplained Pain From Levaquin and Dementia
by Juanita
Just before I was due to have surgery (unrelated), I was referred to a pulmonary specialist because of breathing problems. Prior to this, about a month earlier, I developed pneumonia with a non-malignant mass. I was given Levaquin and the infection was gone within a few days, as was the mass. The second episode was also treated with Levaquin and, again, cleared within a few days.
The surgery was minor and I went home the next day, however, I developed pain in the left shoulder and the right knee. I had experienced pain in the left knee, but never in the right one and not in the shoulder. It was tendonitis, and I still have pain from time to time, but the worst pain subsided after approx. 12-14 months.
I suspected the Levaquin even though I had never heard of anyone having this side effect. When I told my PCP, he didn't seem to believe the connection.
Also, my sister and I have wondered if Levaquin may cause the onset of dementia because of an experience our stepfather had.
He was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. Prior to this, he was lucid and did a lot of walking. After the pneumonia was treated, he had to get rehabilation to improve walking (he can only "shuffle" around now}. He also began, for the first time, to show symptoms of dementia, which has worsened over the last year. This man was healthy and responsible before the hospitalization. Why, then, was he barely "making sense" after he went home. I wonder how many seniors have had this same thing happen, with stress or pain being cited as reasons for the pain. Comments?
Joshua Answers: Hi Juanita.
That's GREAT to hear that you pretty much recovered after 12-14 months. Having said that, DON'T take it again. I imagine that you're on board with that.
If you take it again the likelihood of you A. not suffering side effects and B. recovering from those side effects within a year with only minor vestigial symptoms are VERY small.
I wonder what supplementing with an adequate amount of Magnesium would do for your remaining symptoms....
As far as your step-father, yes absolutely Levaquin can cause ALL SORTS of neurological issues.
Levaquin attacks connective tissue. Whether that be
Achilles Tendon Rupture, or organ damage, or nervous system damage, Fluoroquinolones like Levaquin cause it.
Also, Levaquin causes massive magnesium depletion. And Magnesium is a necessary component in 300 biological
transactions in the body.
This site's as good a place as any to look at
Magnesium and DementiasYour step-father could have gotten it from a variety of directions with surgery there in the hospital, and it may or may not have been the Levaquin.
If he had a nitrous oxide type of anesthesia, that causes big time vitamin B12 deficiency. One of the symptoms of B12 deficiency is dementia...
Kerri is the pro to talk to about this, as she's big into the research and has 12+ years of ER and ICU nursing experience. Here's a page of hers on
Vitamin B12 Deficiency.
It's not uncommon for the elderly to go 'out of their mind' when their system gets out of whack, even if they're just dehydrated. But that's usually short lived once they get rehydrated/rebalanced.
If your stepfather's dementia literally showed up out of the blue, and if that blue was one day at the hospital, I'd definitely start looking at nutrition.
Is it a cure? Who knows. Is there any reason not to fill him full with necessary nutrition? No.
Is it possible that he can go from dementia to (much closer to) fine just from getting enough nutrition in him? Yes, if nutritional deficiency is the cause.
For instance, there's plenty of cases of people with 'neurological' diseases that are confined to a wheelchair getting up and walking after getting their vitamin D levels up to where they're supposed to be. That neurological issue was really just symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency.
Which reminds me, get his Vitamin D level checked. And then get his levels up to between 50-80 ng/ml. And don't use prescription Vitamin D.
You can check out the Vitamin D pages on Kerri's site as well.
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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