Type ALL day at work. Play golf on weekends. Wrist Tendonitis. Want to golf pain free !
by Valerie
(Southern Nevada)
When I say I have wrist pain and that I type all day, the normal response is Carpal Tunnel. But my symptoms are more along the lines of tendonitis. I do not have any numbness in my fingers.
The pain I have is on the top of my wrists and does get worse as my workday goes on. When applying ice to the top of my wrists the pain subsides, so now I'm icing on the way into work, on the way home.
On weekends I ice on the way to the golf course.
When playing golf the pain will increase through the round. Mainly in my back swing when my wrists are cocked.
The pain is on the top of my wrists (both) at times it feels like a burning sensation. It increases with finger activity. I have had experiences when there has been severe pain in my thumbs. I do not know if this is connected or not.
I stretch my hands often and apply ice often.
Please let me know if you feel I could do something that would help with this pain.
I really don't want to get involved with a Dr over this, I do not want to go through a ton of tests if there's something I can try on my own.
Thanks for your time
Valerie Dunne
Joshua Answers:Hi Valerie.
I'm 100% certain that you could do something about the pain.
And it's not the
Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen, or
Wrist splints and braces that your doctor would prescribe.
The pain and burning fall under the purview of the
Symptoms of
Tendonitis. That page will explain.
Tendonitis in general and
Wrist Tendonitis specifically isn't that complex once you understand the process. And thus it's not so tough to minimize the symptoms and the SOURCE of the symptoms.
How are you icing? 20 minutes with an icepack, or as I describe on the
How To Reduce Inflammation page?
My money-saving suggestion for quick results is to get my
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook.
Moving on, some questions: 1. Do you have any history of injury?
2. How's your overall health?
3. Do you have any numbness and tingling?
4. How long has this been going on?
5. Did it come on slow, or did it show up all of a sudden?
(P.S. Looks like I'll be in Reno a fair amount in the near future, so possibly we can do a hands on session.)
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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