Tricep and forearm tendonitis pain in both arms from overtraining
I have had tendonitis in my triceps and forearms for a little over a year now. From overtraining.
They have gotten better but both arms still have pain in them which is preventing me from lifting.
I kind of did what you recommended for people with tendonitis only instead of doing ice dips I did ice baths by putting very cold water and ice into a large bucket that I could fit my arm into.
I would do ice baths 1 or 2 times a day for seven days, this helped my arms but I still have pain.
I really want to get back into the gym soon what should I do? How can I speed up the recovery process?
Joshua Answers:Using a 5 gallon bucket and ice water is perfectly viable.
Did you ice dip in that, or did you leave them in longer than 10ish seconds?
Tendonitis you have in your arms is partly made up of Pain Enhancing Chemical from the
Process of Inflammation you have chronically in place.
What Is Tendonitis?But there are other factors, including nutritional deficiency, and muscles and connective tissue that are TOO TIGHT.
If they stay TOO TIGHT, you'll continue to have problems.
I make my ebooks and DVDs available because they have a complete plan that answers your question.
But if you want a couple free tips, keep ice dipping and see:
Magnesium for Tendonitis, and check out HAMMERTIME on this page:
Tennis Elbow TreatmentMore questions, more answers.
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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Dec 11, 24 08:57 PM
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Reversing Whiplash Tendonitis can be done at home, whether it's a new injury or decades old. Reverse the dynamic, make your neck structure health again.
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