Treated for pneumonia, took levaquin in 2001. Wished I never did.
by Wendy
I was treated for a severe case of pneumonia with the drug Levaquin.
Within a month I started to experience pain in my joints. A couple of months later I tore my rotator cuff in my left shoulder.
I then started with a trigger finger in my right hand. I got two more trigger fingers, I have had two of them operated on, the third I did not because the second operation didn't go so well.
My hands will never be the same. I sleep with my hands in these home made braces, they keep my tendons from constricting in my hands while I sleep. It helps (a little bit).
I then made the mistake of going skiing and tore my left knee to hell. I have fallen before and never really hurt myself before, but now I seem to hurt my tendons all the time.
This past year I have gotten to experience tennis elbow in my right elbow, now it is showing up in my left one. The pain is about all I can stand.
I work with race horses, I train them for a living. I have always been active and in good health, physically fit. I have to tell you my career is in jeopardy.
I always worry that one of the horses is going to act up and pull on me too hard. That will be another injury that I have to live with for the rest of my life. I can't pick up a bucket of water without wondering if this is
it. Will this be the next tendon injury.
The doctors at the hospital didn't tell me of the potential side effects of this drug. They didn't give me the choice. They made the decision to play russian roulette with my health. I am so angry that they would ever prescribe a drug that has the devastating side effect that this drug has.
I guess I am lucky, I can still walk. I have read of people that get tendon pain so bad they can't walk. Is there any way to prevent more damage, or to rid my body of the levaquin tendonitis? I am too young for this kind of constant life changing pain.
Joshua Answers:Hi Wendy. Yikes. That doesn't sound good at all.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
The thing with Levaquin Tendonitis is that the damage is already there. Injury can easily happen because of the damage to the tendon.
I unfortunately don't have a fix for you.
Other than what you've read already, this page,
Levaquin Tendonitis Treatment is the best I have to offer right now. I'd definitely take the test it talks about.
The best directions for helping counteract the Levaquin damage that I've seen lay with CoQ10, and Magnesium.
We just haven't found the missing link, the key piece of information yet.
Let's hope we do soon.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert