Torn and cut forearm tendon surgery and repair
by wally tank
(wis. rapids, WI USA)
I recently cut my forearm resulting in cut tendons that were completely cut through and partially cut tendons.
I had surgery 9 days ago.
What can I do to help repair these tendons, using vitamins or supplements ?
Joshua Answers:Hi Wally.
Regardless of whether the tendons were completely or partially cut or severed, you had surgery to sew them back together.
Also, regardless of whether or not the tendons were partly or totally cut, you're going to want to do everything possible to help your body heal as optimally as possible.
1. Understand the
Pain Causing Dynamic. You probably already had one in place (because you're human and everybody does), and you may or may not have had some amount of
Tendonitis dynamic.
If you didn't, the second your tendons were cut and torn a Pain Causing Dynamic kicked in. Hard.
And then when you had surgery even more dynamic was dialed up.
2. So, first off, learn
How To Reduce Inflammation.
As soon as the skin heals/seals so you don't have an open wound, start ice dipping as described. The faster you can get pain enhancing chemical out of your tissue, the better.
Bone Broth as the best Tendon Supplements.
4. Vitamin C
is required for healthy connective tissue. And
Magnesium too.
5. Increase your protein intake, and your good fats intake. Your body and your cells need good fat and protein to heal, and to be strong, and to be healthy.
6. I also assert that my
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook is an option WELL worth the cost.
It contains a complete plan to make your forearm ecology, and forearm structures, as healthy as possible. The things you do to help your body heal Tendonitis are the same things you do to help reattached tendons heal as optimally as possible.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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