*TONY* An Adductor Magnus Tendon Injury Problem In A Professional Rugby Player
by Tony
(Lezignan, France)
Hi, I'm a 31 year old professional rugby player with a long history of adductor tendonitis and tears.
I have struggled with this since my late teens. I have had an adductor release on my left side and a hernia repair performed on both. Even after the operations I have struggled with pain and small tears of both tendons.
I have tried everything I can think of including tens machines, supplements and I have access to a fulltime physiotherapist.
About 10 weeks ago my right adductor tightened up and I couldn't get it to relax. After 3 more games it tore. The tear at that stage was 7.5 x 3 mm. I have had physio and been doing strengthening excercises for the last 6 weeks but when I had another scan today the tear was 10 x 2.4 mm.
I know I have a lot of scar tissue in that region but is there anything at all you would recommend to fix this problem and allow me to return to playing.
The last time this happened was in 04 on my left groin and I kept reinjuring it as soon as I played until I had the surgery. Time is a problem as we are currently in the middle of our season.
I have about another 6 weeks before a major game.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Joshua Answers:Hi Tony.
You didn't leave your email address so I hope you keep an eye on the RSS feed/site updates.
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You said "Even after the operations I have struggled with pain and small tears of both tendons."
What you meant was "ESPECIALLY after the operations I have struggled with pain and small tears of both tendons."
body does NOT like pain or injury, and surgery causes both, even if it's 'fixing' a problem like herniation and tear.
So, you have some sort of chronic adductor tightness issue where your adductors just won't let up.
And rip and tear injuries and surgeries, that are making that tightness even worse, more chronic, and in fact acute.
It's not
Tendonitis per se, though you have all the elements of that, and more!
It makes me wonder what the physio is doing with you.
What -is- the physio doing with you?
Strengthening isn't going to help. The muscles are already so strong they're tearing themselves apart at the weak points.
The problem is, the musles are ON too much, too often. They need to take a break.
The problem is, the nervous system thinks your tightness is A. helping protect you from more injury and B. is a NORMAL tone now.
The problem is, that tightness is NOT helping protect you from more injury.
So, if you see this, answer the following questions and let's get started helping you heal and play without more injury.
Questions:1. What is the physio doing with you?
2. What have you done in the past that has helped or hasn't helped.
3. What supplements?

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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