TMJ Dislocation is something to avoid at all costs.
Imagine you open your mouth to take a bite of something, or to talk, or to yawn, and *POP* you feel your joint move out of joint and get STUCK in a painful, open position.
Hopefully, you can wiggle your jaw and the bones pop back into place in just a matter of seconds.
But sometimes, the muscles hold the jaw so tight once it's out of joint that mechanically, the joint gets stuck open for what can be a long period of time.
Maybe you don't need to imagine this, maybe this is a familiar aspect of your TMJ disorder.
Ouch. No fun.
TMJ Dislocation
A TMJ Dislocation is an event where the TemporoMandibular Joint comes out of joint, or out of it's groove.
It's as simple as that.
Why Would A TMJ dislocate?
This question is not so simple to answer. There are a lot of factors involved.
But it's safe to say that TMJ Dislocation doesn't just happen out of the blue for no reason(Even if it seems like it did to you).
The original dislocation could have been caused by a blow to the jaw, whether in a car accident or similar trauma, by getting punched, or by any other forced impact to the jaw that can knock the jaw bone out of joint.
Or if a person has had TMJ syndrome for months or years, the jaw muscles can get so tight, so out of whack, that finally one day, as the jaw opens, one or more muscles refuse to lengthen, their opposing muscles continue to work, and the bones literally get forced out of their joint socket.
Which of course makes the muscles very unhappy, so they clamp down even more. If you have TMJ, and finally dislocate, I bet you've had the experience that your TMJ just gets worse after that.
And as with all dislocations, once the first dislocation happens, the joint is never as structurally stable as it was before.
Ok, so your TMJ dislocates.
Now what are your options?
Surgery? Only if you REALLY REALLY want to.
Various painful methods to shorten the ligaments, like wiring your jaw shut or injecting an irritant into the ligament? If you want to, sure.
It is quite possible that all you need to do is to reverse your TMJ dynamic, and the Pain Causing Dynamic that is part of it.
If you 'fix' your TMJ disorder by reversing the source of the problem, your dislocation problem just very may well take care of itself.
See, TMJ Dislocation is really just a symptom of something.
Dislocation is not really the problem, it's just a symptom of some imbalance, or some issue in the ecology of your jaw.
Surgery and many other common treatments look at the symptom as the problem. They try to fix the symptom, which rarely works out well.
How is the treatment of Asthma and Diabetes going? Pretty poorly, I'd say. And that's because they're trying to treat the symptom, and not the cause.
Sometimes the cause is a genetic deformity of the jaw bones. Rarely. Doctors like to use this one to explain their inability to effectively treat TMJ.
Plus it's a great justification for surgery. (And, sometimes, surgery really is necessary)
But ultimately, the cause of TMJ Dislocation is A. too much tightness in the muscles of the jaw, and B. Imbalance in the tightness of the different muscles of the jaw.
For instance, if you have 10 pounds pulling to the right, and 20 pounds pulling to the left, which way do you think your jaw is going to go?
What Causes All This Tightness?
Ahhh, great question. Now you're catching on. Because, you see, that all that tightness is again just a symptom of something.
What causes the tightness? You have a choice from any combination of the following options:
Deal with the core source of the tightness and imbalance (which definitely includes working on the too tight muscles) and you make the ecology of the jaw healthy again, loose and relaxed, and then the joint can float and glide again instead of grind and move only under duress.
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