Tips of the fingers are numb and hurt with pressure and playing guitar
by louis
(Hopatchong, nj usa )
Hi, I play the guitar and my tips of my fingers are numb, all of them. It has moved to the right hand and started in the left hand. It only hurts when I put pressure, like pressing down on the keyboard or the fretboard.
Both my pinky's on each hand are numb from the palm to the tip. This is the only finger that I can tell that may be different and maybe something else like a neck issue.
Please help.
Joshua Answers:Hi Louis.
You didn't leave your email or check the check box to receive notification of this response, so I hope you find it.
That numbness could be coming from the neck, elbow area, forearm, wrist, or some/all of them.
If the hose of the nerve is getting stepped on, it makes sense that pressure would feel weird and/or bad.
Granted, that numbness and discomfort from pressure could be all or partly due to nutritional deficiency.
If you play guitar a lot, plus bad posture, plus nutritional deficiency, then it's both entirely unsurprising you have these symptoms and totally reversible. Though it may take some trial and error to find
where the symptoms are coming from.
There's plenty of free information on the site.
How To Reduce Inflammation*
Magnesium for TendonitisThose are good places to start.
Granted I'm biased, but I think you'd find it very valuable to get my
Reversing Guitar Tendonitis ebook.
You may need some specific info for your neck, but I'd need more info.
If you find this post, respond to it and I'll ask you some questions etc.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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