Thumb and Wrist Tendonitis flare ups and losing range of motion
by Ed
(Rockville, MD)
Ed from NJ, 40 yr old
My first wrist "flare up" occurred in Feb 2010, while picking up my 2yr old son out of his crib.
Since then I have further abused my wrist by moving to another state in June. In August, I received my first cortisone shot. It was awesome for 2 weeks then pain came back, but much worse.
Saw Ortho again 4wks after shot, he suggested release ASAP, I wanted another shot but too soon.
I decided to unlearn the stupid behavior causing the pain, use more of my left hand and not bend my wrist for 4 months. It seemed to work regarding the pain but then I started losing range of motion.
So, now I'm using the wrist more, but wisely. However, the pain is returning, no as bad as before, but I fear its only a matter of time.
Will you suggested ice treatment finally cure me?
Note: I've got what feels like a bony bump above the tendons. Is it a wrist bone out of place?
Joshua Answers:Hi Ed.
How To Reduce Inflammation probably won't 'cure' you, but it WILL reduce pain and inflammation and help your structures work better.
Ahhh, forgive yourself Ed. You haven't been abusing your wrist(s). You're using them to do what you need to do in life, but you've had a decades old
Tendonitis dynamic and a
Pain Causing Dynamic percolating
underneath the surface of your skin.
Picking up the baby was just that last bit of irritation to an already irritated structure, thus crossing a threshold into consciously feeling pain etc.
You had as good a
Corticosteroid Injections experience as you're going to have. MANY people report increased pain and or no effect at all.
Or they feel GREAT and then go out and -really- injury their body because they couldn't feel the pain signals.
Ice dip like a crazy man. Push the pain levels down. Maybe that's all you'll need. We'll see.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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