Thank you!! Ice for Tendonitis and Thumb Pain
by Michelle S.
(Castro Valley, CA, USA)
I went to see one of the best hand surgeons in SF who diagnosed me with deQuervain's. He was a good doctor and was frank enough to tell me that he did not recommend giving me a cortisone shot because of the location of my pain -- and I was hoping I would get a shot that day and imagined myself instantly pain-free!
Instead, he advised rest, prescribed a NSAID and a thumb spica splint to use at night and told me if things did not get better, surgery would be the next resort.
Being a piano player, I was terrified of the thought of surgery.
I stumbled upon your website as I was looking for some natural relief or cure. I read all your articles and I was skeptical at first because it all sounded too simplistic.
But then being a licensed PT, I knew very well about the benefits of ice. So I figured, ice treatment is harmless enough so why not give it a try for seven days, as you recommended.
I followed your sugestions and iced the base of my thumb all day, even while I was at work. Today's the seventh day. I must say I feel 80-90% relieved from the pain that I'd had for 2 months that remained at a 7/10 level (with 10 being the worst) and would not go away.
Thank you for this
website and for your sharing your own personal experience with tendonitis. I believe your success story was what convinced me this might work for me, too.
I hope many more tendonitis sufferers will come across your site and find relief as I did.
Joshua Answers:Hi Michelle.
You're welcome!
Tendonitis, regardless of it's location, responds well to cold. It might not 'fix' the pain dynamic (although it might) but it absolutely reduces pain levels. Which sometimes, is good enough.
Surgery for tendonitis....ick.
Are you ice dipping, or ice massaging, or just putting ice on?
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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