Terrible Pain From Wrist Tendonitis and Ganglion Cyst
by Angela C. Pratt
(Bedford, NH moving to Liberty Lake, WA)
Hello, I have been having right wrist pain for several years. Three years ago I had repetitive motion tendonitis from using a tape machine at work. I have always worked in warehousing and office positions. In November of 2009, my knee gave way so I grabbed for the railing to break my fall. Immediate wrist pain and swelling.
I waited a few months, but it did not go away. I was referred to a hand specialist and he did xrays revealing a ganglion over the radial artery than normal. They did a MRI and ultrasound to rule out aneurysm.
Surgery has been suggested, but I am moving and don't want to have a dozen doctors working on me.
I did some kitting at work of DVD's and booklets, and it seemed to aggrevate it all again because the top of my hand hurts TERRIBLY bad and opening a door is painful, typing is painful, and if I happen to bend it back a bit too far...OUCH!!
I have been icing and taking Aleve and Motrin. I use Arnica Montana and have an untrasound machine at home.
Any further suggestions or information would be most appreciated. Also, any referals to doctors in the Spokane Valley/Liberty Lake WA area would be most helpful.
Joshua Answers:Hi Angela, I hope the move went well.
Unfortunately, I have no good referrals for the Spokane area.
The question I have, is, is the pain more from
Wrist Tendonitis or from the ganglion cyst?
If it's from wrist tendonitis, no problem. But from what you've described, my sense is that it's primarily the ganglion causing the pain. Granted, a wrist tendonitis dynamic can help contribute to ganglion cyst formation, so it's worth it to effectively deal with it.
1. How deep is the cyst?
2. How exactly are you icing, and does it help a little, a lot, or not at all?
3. What's your status now? It's been a while since you wrote this.
4. Where exactly do you feel pain? Details details details.
5. Describe the pain. Details, details, details.
6. Overall health?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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