Tenosynovitis and Tendonitis in multiple joints, what can cause this?
by T
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
In the last few years I have been diagnosed with tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and tendonopathy in my feet, wrists, thumbs, shoulders, and also as having shin splints. I have similar types of pains in my elbows and ankles. I have been told that it is all coincidental and have done the route of physio, NSAIDs, etc. but every year new pains occur.
Are there any underlying medical reasons for tendonitis in multiple joints?
Joshua Answers:Hello T.
So let me get this right. You have various muscle and tendon pain in multiple locations across your body, and a doctor told you that this was coincidental?
SERIOUSLY? COINCIDENTAL?!? Like, you just HAPPEN to be getting tendon issues and pain dynamic over your entire body and it's just a COINCIDENCE?
WTF???That doesn't surprise me, but it does blow my mind. Every single time that I hear a story like this.
Your doctor has NO idea what he's talking about.So, moving onto your question about what can cause a scenario like yours. I have several things to say about that, but first let me ask some questions so I know more and so I'm for sure on the right track.
Questions:1. Start from the beginning and give me a description of HOW and WHEN this all started.
2. How long has this been going on.
3. Does the pain come and go, or is it
4. Is it joint pain like arthritis, or tendonitis pain, painful tight muscles, etc?
5. Overall health.
6. Age.
7. Activity level. Exercise? Hobbies? Work activities (sitting, standing, lifting, etc?)
8. General description of diet.
9. History of car crash, major or minor injury, etc.
10. Ever taken Levaquin, Cipro, or any other antibiotic in the fluoroquinolne family?
Answer those questions, and we'll go from there.
And in case I wasn't clear, it is NOT normal (nor is it acceptable, in my mind) to be experiencing a pain dynamic like you describe.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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