Tennis Elbow in both arms plus surgery and shots please help
by Mrs B
Hi Joshua. I have tennis elbow in both elbows. It all started in January 2007 when I got a frozen shoulder/stiff neck in my right shoulder. This cleared up but a tennis elbow came at the same time in my left elbow, and I could not get rid of it.
My general practitioner suggested steroid injection which gave me pain free for 6 months.
It was injected May 2007 and Feb 2008. Again it came back despite everything. I had reconstruction surgery 5 and a half weeks ago.
It is better but recovering from the surgery.
My surgeon said he found crystals in the tendon which he had never seen before.
At some point during all this my right elbow started to become painful also, and I did everything again to try and get rid of it.
It was injected in August 2008 and low and behold pain came back in march 2009.
I found your site after my Tennis Elbow operation for the left elbow and started to ice the right one, but only the elbow as I couldn't get the water bottle things.
I am now doing it correctly and there has been improvement in movement and pain level.
I went to see my surgeon for a check up on the operated elbow and a second corticosteroid injection in the right elbow, which he does not believe in, but we both agreed not to have it, and to continue with the icing, as we know the injections don't cure.
The ice has given me positive relief and I really hope I can turn round the process. I have sent off for the DVD.
I have been icing the operated elbow as well. I hope this is ok. I am still off work for the next three weeks so have time to concentrate on rehabilitation.
I am a dentist for a living and work 4 days but supervise on two.
I feel the damage was caused by carrying heavy bags of shopping but don't think the job helps.
I am 50 years old and need to keep going to see my kids through university.
Any advice would be appreciated on how to become free of pain again.
Incidentally the soreness is worse when lying down at night or if I go out for a good walk which I am doing to try to keep fit and positive.
Psychologically the last few weeks have been really traumatic for myself and my long suffering family of husband and three kids.
Joshua Answers:
Hello Mrs. B.
Your DVD will go out in the mail Monday, should get there to England Friday, Sat, or Mon.
Thanks for the detailed description of symptoms and events.
The 'damage' was caused by years of hunching over your clients. Your body has slowly shrunk wrapped down to that posture. Tight muscles and tight connective tissue.
You're probably not actually damaged, you're just
stuck in a physical
The Pain Causing Dynamic.
Long story short, you're at the bad end of a Downward Spiral. I'm happy to help you back up the Upward Spiral.
Tennis Elbow is totally reversible.
The bulk of what you need is on
'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works' and I'll help you fine tune a little bit.
Enough with all the trauma, I say. Tennis Elbow Symptoms and trauma that comes with is simply a result of not knowing how to make it go away.
Doctors just don't have the right training to fix something as simple as Tennis Elbow.
No worries. It will take some diligence on your part, however. But if you do the self care, you WILL get results.
Just like putting a drill against a tooth. If you put it against a tooth, you'll make a hole. If you don't, or just put it close, there will be no drilled hole.
If you follow what's on the DVD, you will reverse your Tennis Elbow.
Surgery may or may not have complicated the issue, but if so, it just means you'll have to work at it with a little more diligence.
Crystals. Interesting. Say more about that. Mineral/nutrient deficiency/imbalance, probably.
Definitely do start on
Bone Broth as the best Tendon Supplements.
Look into
Magnesium for Tendonitis and the Vitamin D information on my Kerri's site.
Other questions:1. How is your overall health?
2. Any other pain in the body?
3. Taken the antibiotics Levaquin, Cipro, Floxin, in the last 5 years?
4. How long have you been leaning over patients, and how much?
5. History of whiplash or other neck/shoulder injury?
6. Tell me about the onset of the frozen shoulder thing.
Answer these questions, read up on Magnesium and Vitamin D, and ICE LIKE CRAZY until you get the DVD. I mean, LIKE CRAZY.
You have 3 weeks. We should be able to get you 80% plus in that time, if you're willing to follow my directions and do the work.
It's not rocket science. It just needs proper application of the RIGHT tools.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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