Tendonitis Under The Ribs
by Carol
I have had pain under my right ribs for 8 wks. now.
The pain at time will go up my back and at times feels like a "rubber band" around my upper abdomen.
The pain feels like a pressure pain and at times it is sharp.
I thought it was my gallbladder and have had an ultrasound, hida scan and a CT scan and it has all been fine.
I went to a GI Dr. who examined me and said I had tendonitis and that he sees this a lot. He recommended that I get massage therapy.
My question is should I see an orthopedic Dr. and possibly be put on some steroids to reduce the inflammation and get physical therapy?
The pain is gone when I lay flat on my back.
Joshua Comments:Hello Carol.
You didn't leave your email or check the notifications box, so i hope you happen to find this response.
I would definitely need more information to have an opinion about this. I'm sitting here with Kerri from
www.easy-immune-health.com so some of this is from her.
1. Do you have back pain or is your gall bladder causing pain. I'm leaning towards the latter scenario at the moment.
2. Do you have any other Gi problems? How is your digestion? How are your energy levels?
3. What does the pain in your back feel like?
4. Does it start in front and then move around back?
5. What exactly did the doctor see that had him identify it as
6. Where exactly did he say that your Tendonitis is located?
7. Why do you think it's gall bladder pain as opposed to, say, a spasm in your diaphram muscle under the ribs?
Let me know the answers to those questions and any other details.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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