Tendonitis for 3 months in violin player :( Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by A.S.
I turned to this page since I play violin and I thought violin-caused tendonitis was similar to guitar-caused tendonitis. I know however that it is not exactly the same, but that we do use very similar parts of the hands.
I've had wrist tendonitis in both wrists since late Feb. do to overpracticing. Like you said, rest didn't help me; it just stayed the same.
It got to the point where I couldn't even fold clothes or pick up a glass. I came across your wrist tendonitis page and started icing like you said, for like 5 or 6 weeks, and it's gotten better, (I can do everyday activities now) but it hasn't totally fixed the problem so that I can play violin. :( I haven't played violin since late march.
This is REALLY frustrating. Do you recommend massage? I haven't tried that. The thing is I go to a boarding highschool that is an arts school (I'm female 17 yrs old) and so it's expected that we practice a lot; I was practicing 6 hours a day. I'm getting tired of icing... What should I do? (I've also been taking magnesium and calcium like you said...)
I'm sorry, I don't have money to buy the guitar tendonitis book... :(
Please, I'm desperate, It seems like you know SO much about tendonitis; any advice I would cherish! ( I really need to get my repertoire ready to get into college next year!) It feels as if my hands will never be normal again! Violin is my dream, please help me.
Also, today my left wrist muscles started twitching weirdly. What does that mean? I'm so scared...
And in case you're wondering, I HAVE told my parents and they've scheduled a ton of doctor appointments over the summer, but I feel it's useless since all of them say the same thing: to rest and to take it easy. There's really nothing they can do.
Thank you so much tendonitis expert,
Joshua Answers:Hi A.S.
Violin is close enough to Guitar Tendonitis is close enough to Wrist Tendonitis to call it all the same (with slight variation).
If you're hurting this bad now,
it's great you're sticking with the Ice Dipping (do more). Ice Dipping is VERY helpful, but it's not necessarily a fix.
How much magnesium are you taking? (Take more.) And, I've never ever said to take Calcium.
The twitch is likely a function of A. your muscles and connective tissue being TOO TIGHT and B. Needing more Magnesium.
Other possible issues.
You REALLY CAN afford either the
Reversing Guitar Tendonitis ebook or the
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook.
It's $19.99. If you're parents are scheduling doctors appoints, they're shelling out lots more than that.
And I suspect you're right, all you're going to get is prescriptions for
Rest (including stopping playing your instruments),
Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen,
Wrist splints and braces, and eventually
Tendonitis surgery.
Your body is burning up magnesium and vitamin B6 (and probably B12), you're probably Vitamin D deficient, and protein and good fats deficient.
And....you can't afford not to fix this if you want to continue to play as much as you want to play.
It's going to take some time and some effort. You've seen how the exact amount of ice dipping (from the
How To Reduce Inflammation page) that you're doing has allowed you to keep going.
But that's not good enough for everything that you have going on. Yes, you need some more activities like the right self massage, and nutrition.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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