Tendonitis Causes
The Gifts That Keep On Giving

Tendonitis Causes come in many, many different forms.

Most any activity you participate in has the potential to help cause Tendonitis.

Realistically, Tendonitis is caused by a variety of variables all working together.

Even Sudden Onset Tendonitis is usually just a 'final straw' irritation of an ongoing issue.

Below are activities that are blamed as causes of tendonitis.  After that, we'll tell you what REALLY causes tendonitis.

Tendonitis Causes
Repetitive Strain

All Tendonitis starts with muscle tightness.

Then because muscles are too tight, it's really easy to get a small irritation or micro-trauma injury.

Then a Pain Causing Dynamic kicks in, started off by the tiny injury and Inflammation

Running in business man shoes is one of many tendonitis causes

Repetitive Motion Injuries are commonly called Repetitive Strain Injuries because tight muscles put extra tension on their tendon and connective tissue connections, which puts constant tensile strain on tissue.

Whether you are knitting, typing on a keyboard, running, pulling coffee as a barista, or making millions as a professional baseball pitcher the motions you perform over and over can start and then continually add to a Tendonitis dynamic.

As a concept, Tendonitis is caused by repetitive motion.

Whether the activity is in sports, in the workplace, or at home, ANY activity performed repetitively has the potential to cause Tendonitis.

Can something as innocent as Knitting cause Tendonitis?

You bet it can.

You can get Tendonitis Symptoms from any activity performed repetitively.

Below is a listing of types of activities that are know to cause Tendonitis.

You may notice some similarities.

Tendonitis Causes

Throwing Affects Elbow, Finger, Shoulder, Wrist

Running Affects Achilles, Ankle

Jumping Affects Achilles, Ankle, Hip, Knee

Bicycle Affects Achilles, Ankle, Hip, Knee

Boxing Affects Elbow, Shoulder

Tendonitis Causes

yping Affects Finger, Elbow, Wrist, can effect Shoulder

Mousing Affects Finger, Elbow, Wrist, can effect Shoulder

Barista Affects Elbow, Finger, Wrist, can effect Shoulder

Chopping (vegetables) Affects Elbow, Finger, Wrist

Stirring (dough, soup, etc) Affects Elbow, Finger, Wrist, Shoulder

Construction Tasks Hand, Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder, Knee, Feet.

Lifting/Moving Affects Elbow, Shoulder, can affect wrist depending on the lifting action.

Tendonitis Causes

Crocheting Affects Finger, Elbow, Wrist, can affect shoulder.

Knitting Affects Finger, Elbow, Wrist, can affect shoulder.

Sewing Affects Finger, Elbow, Wrist, can affect shoulder.

Gardening Affects Finger, Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Ankle.

Projects around the house Hammering, shoveling, raking, painting, cleaning and scrubbing.

Medications That Cause Tendonitis And Tendon Injury

The last couple few years have seen an explosion of Tendon injury caused by a certain family of antibiotics, the poster child of which is called Levaquin. Levaquin's propensity to cause damage is is followed closely (statistically) by another Fluoroquinolone antibiotic family member, Cipro.

If you all of a sudden have tendon and/or joint pain, or other symptoms tendon/joint/muscle/skin related, and you have been taking antibiotics like Levaquin, Cipro, or Floxin, you may want to start looking into this.

Fluoroquinolones like Levaquin, Cipro, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Avelox, etc, are BAD NEWS.  Stay away unless it's life threatening.

The REAL Tendonitis Causes

Well, I tricked you a little bit.

All the above activities are considered 'Causes of Tendonitis'.

But really, they're not.  Yes, they're activities and put a stress on the body, but they don't CAUSE tendonitis.  Millions of people do those activities and have no problems.

The problem with activities is when the body is not physically capable of withstanding the stresses, and/or is not capable or recovering from the stresses.

It might seem like a minor distinction, but it is actually a MAJOR distinction.  You have pain because your bod is not working optimally, not because you run or type or play guitar.

Here are many various factors that lead to the body being unable to 'work under pressure':

  1. Not enough Protein. You need building blocks to maintain and repair tendon tissue. Eating protein sources like meat and eggs, cottage cheese, and Bone Broth are necessary to counter this.
  2. Not enough good fats, like Omega 3s. Omega 3 fats are vital and necessary to the body, plus they are a natural anti-inflammatory. Aside from good fish and flax oil, here is a great choice for these essential fatty acids. 
  3. Not enough good sleep. The only time you physiologically rejuvenate is when you sleep.  Bad sleep, bad/no recovery.
  4. Not enough Vitamin D3, calcium, B12, or Magnesium. You need it, need it, need it.  See:  Magnesium for Tendonitis
  5. Not enough water intake. Sponges needs water to be soft and squishy. You are one big sponge. Drink more water. Coffee, soda, and juice do NOT count as water.
  6. Inflammation.  Inflammation traps fluid in the area and releases chemical which enhances your sensitivity to pain.  See:  Process of Inflammation
  7. Too Tight Muscle And Connective Tissue.  If your muscles are stuck tight, they can't perform work very well and they can't absorb force.  And that force has to go somewhere....
  8. Along the lines of #4, nutritional insufficiency/deficiency. If the body doesn't have the building blocks it needs to work, it can't work optimally.

It's all part of the Pain Causing Dynamic.  It's a very predictable process...and once you understand the process, then you can understand how to get yourself out of pain.

No matter where in the body you have Tendonitis, it's ultimately all the same.

Make sure you understand the answer to the question What Is Tendonitis?

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