Swollen Leg Calf Pain, What am I supposed to do now?
My leg started hurting about a year ago.
It's the outside of my calf in the middle. Went to the er because pain was so bad. Doctor said it was tendonitis and took me off work for three days.
At my checkup, my leg was very swollen and my doctor said I had severe tendonitis. She took me off work for three more weeks, gave me a anti-inflammitory and told me no gym for 6 weeks.
Most of the pain went away but if any pressure at all was placed on my leg it was tender and it would hurt. Now its a year later and the pain is back in full force and I don't know what to do.
Joshua Answers: Hmmmmm. Interesting.
I needs more info!
1. Originally, did this calf pain come on fast and out of the blue, or did it slowly get worse over time?
2. What activities did/do you do. You said something about the gym.
3. When you say it was swollen, -how- swollen was it?
4. Was the skin in the area red, and if so, how red (and angry?)
5. Over the past year, has the pain been consistent, does it come and go. Was it tender on use/pressure the -entire- time?
6. Why do you think you got this 'tendonitis'?
7. Please describe as well as you can exactly where it hurts. Outside of the calf, half way up...meaning half way in the height of the belly of the calf muscles, or halfway point of the lower leg bone, or?
8. Please describe in detail, -how- it hurts. Sharp, burning, dull, aching, throbbing, etc.
The more clues I have, the better I can help you.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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