Strained tendons in left wrist Recurring injury for 6 months Struggling to make any progress!
by James Fallon
(Oxfordshire, England, UK)
My injury first came about after doing a couple of days work. I was lifting hundreds of office chairs, desktops & filing cabinets & after the first day, I woke up with a soreness down the outside of my left wrist.
After seeing a physio I was told that I'd strained the tendons on the ulnar side of my wrist. I was surprised to injure my wrist as I play golf every day & also go to the gym regularly. I'd never experienced any sort of injury or anything at all from my wrists. I would also like to think that I'd built up a decent amount of strength in my wrists, arms & shoulders.
After seeing the physio, I ended up taking just over two months away from golf & anything involving my upper body in the gym. After this time I was able to ease back into golf & within a few weeks I was back to playing full time. I carried on like this for about two months & didn't have any soreness or pain from the wrist at all.
I began to feel that i could start doing some upper body work in the gym. I did about three or four sessions & did experience some soreness but I was expecting this as I hadn't used it in such a long time.
Around the same time I was hitting balls as usual and it was 0 degrees, freezing. I mishit a shot, catching the mat before the ball & felt the pain down the left side of my wrist that I'd felt when I first injured it.
It's been about two months since I re-injured it & I've had about a month of complete rest & have tried to practice a little bit every other day. Unfortunately the soreness will not go away.
When I experience any soreness it's also on the inside of my left wrist & can spread up the outside of my left forearm. It sometimes feels like a burning sensation. When it does get irritated there is also a lot of grinding from the wrist.
For the most part, when I'm just going about my everyday business, I don't feel much from the wrist except a bit of stiffness & a tightness down either side of the wrist. The soreness & feeling of inflammation only happens when I've been using it.
I've been doing some basic stretching & strengthening exercises every day & have also been doing regular icing to try & reduce the inflammation. I've also been taking ibuprofen regularly to try & help.
I'm not sure whether to consider more serious options such as a cortisone shot or maybe even surgery if the problem carries on.
Please let me know if you can offer any advice!
James Fallon
Joshua Answers:Surgery? Good lord, no James.
Surgery for some soreness? Cutting into the flesh and causing injury for some soreness? No.
What exactly would they do surgery on??
What you describe is the predictable mechanism of the
Pain Causing Dynamic.
That's what
Tendonitis is.
What Is TendonitisIn my book, 'injury' means that there's rip and tear. Irritation, or minor wear and tear damage, is not injury. It's irritation, and the body being stuck in a pain dynamic.
As you've discovered,
Rest does not fix
Wrist Tendonitis.
Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen do not fix tendonitis. They're fine to get you through the day, but aren't a cure.
You have pain because your muscles are too tight, thus aren't firing properly, connective tissue is too tight, chronic inflammation process, and very likely nutritional insufficiency/deficiency is playing a role.
How To Reduce InflammationSee:
Magnesium Side EffectsIf that doesn't help/work, then it's the
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook for you.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert